↳ 𝙈𝙞𝙨𝙖𝙠𝙞'𝙨 𝘽𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙝𝙙𝙖𝙮

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Toji hired people to set up Misaki's birthday party because if it was left up to you two, you wouldn't be able to pay any attention to her. By six in the morning you're awake, and you can't go back to sleep. Misaki usually wakes up pretty early, and you want to make her a special breakfast so it's a good thing you don't feel tired.

You get up from bed and get ready. You don't do anything over the top since you're just making breakfast. Everyone in the house is asleep so you quietly make your way downstairs. You try to be as silent as possible while making breakfast, which feels like a hard task. But it's also so quiet downstairs that every noise you make sounds so loud.

Usually while making breakfast you have Megumi making some type of noise, whether that'd be screaming or trying to sing along to his cartoons. Since he's asleep, everything is much quieter than usual. However, you do appreciate the calmness because you can just focus on your task without worrying about Megumi hurting himself in some way in his playpen.

Ever since Misaki first tried french toast, she's been obsessed with it. She tries to ask for it every morning but you don't want to cook it every single morning. It's a treat, and this morning you're making it for her. You make that along with some scrambled eggs.

You cut up some fruit, and just as you finish cutting up the last strawberry, you hear some footsteps. You know it's her, so you finish up decorating her plate. You see her messy hair and her unicorn pajamas. She hasn't even washed her face at least that's what you see from the look in her squinted eyes. You walk over to her and pick her up from the floor, kissing her cheeks. She's so heavy six years later, it feels like it was just yesterday when you first held your seven pound baby.

"Happy birthday, Misaki." You tell her. Her eyes light up, as if remembering it's her birthday and not a normal day. She has a big birthday party in a couple hours and many of her friends will come, making her excited.

"When are my friends coming over?" She asks, and you put her down on the floor to get her plate of food. You look at the time, and you still have quite some time before her friends start to show up.

"We have quite some time, honey." You respond, putting her plate of food down on the table. She whines as she takes a seat, but her birthday party is long forgotten due to the delicious food that is placed in front of her. You smile, watching the child quickly dig into her breakfast. "But I promise the time will go by really fast."

You watch her eat for a couple of seconds before going back to the kitchen to serve yourself some breakfast as well. You sit down at the table with her and you listen to her excitement about her party, her gifts, her friends. So much is going through the little girl's mind. It just makes you smile.

"Do you-" She begins but she stops before finishing her sentence. You encourage her to ask the question that she asks. She sheepishly speaks again, "Do you think daddy will show up?"

It takes you by surprise because from what you've observed, Misaki hasn't shown any particular signs that tell you that she misses him. But it's inevitable. Shiu is her father. A father that she very much adored, and who would adore her the same if not more. You don't expect her to never mention him again, in fact, you're surprised by how she rarely mentions him.

"I don't think so, baby." You tell her. You try to think of something that'll make her feel better. "It's my fault. I forgot to send an invitation. I'm sorry, baby."

"It's okay, mommy." She answers. Well, there isn't any point in getting mad at you. She forgets stuff all the time and you never get mad at her. "Maybe next time."

"Thank you for being so understanding, honey." You smile at her. It really breaks your heart that even if you wanted to send an invitation, there's no way for you to contact the man. You both enjoy your food, until you hear a couple baby noises, which get more and more loud by the second.

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐲 [𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰]Where stories live. Discover now