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The season just started and I've already fallen behind, I haven't seen a single episode released since Sunday-

Bdubs sat on the top of his monolith. Most hermits found it strange that he had chosen to build a base like that when he didn't have an elytra yet, but he knew it was smart. He could see everything and it wasn't all for fun. They had gone into this world blind, who knew what dangers lurked in the shadows. He stared out from the tall white structure.

He saw Zedaph in the distance falling from a giant tower of scaffolding and Impulse and Tango watching, Bdubs decided not to try and figure out what the heck the trio was doing, he also saw Scar building his giant tree, and then he witnessed the tree elf fall, Bdubs watched terrified, Scar was going to die, but soon the raven haired man sighed in relief when Grian caught Scar. Bdubs continued to looked out over the communal spot like he owned the place, because in that moment he felt like it, he felt like he was king of the world, Joe's tent, False's eagle, Impulse's shack, Ren's factory, it all was bowing down to him.

After a bit he decided to head back inside his tower, he stood up, but he suddenly lost his footing on the white monolith and felt himself start to fall. He let out a shout as he fell down, down, down, the ground getting dangerously close. He felt stupid now, why had he built a base like this with out and elytra? Why had he? He continued to fall, down, down, down.


Doc decided he was going to visit Bdubs, sure he didn't even have a base yet and he should probably be working on that but still, Bdubs. The creeper hybrid strolled through the forest, he saw a couple holes in the ground that on further inspection were bubble elevators. As he made his way to the monolith he noticed Bdubs sitting on the top of the tower, he saw the man of average height stand up, suddenly he lost his footing and Doc feared for Bdubs' life. Then Bdubs appeared to find his footing, Doc sighed. The Bdubs fell, he hadn't found his footing. Doc ran as fast as his feet would let him, he reached the monolith just in time, he held out his arms, trying to catch Bdubs.


Bdubs held his breath,he didn't want to go like this, he didn't know how he wanted to go but he knew it wasn't right as the season started, not as soon as he was reunited with his friends after two months of separation. He still had so much he wanted to do. He braced himself for impact, but it never came, or well at least in the form he expected, instead he hit something with a loud thump. When he opened his eyes he saw that Doc had caught him. The two looked at each other for a bit before Bdubs shoved Doc away, trying to hide his red cheeks.

"Thanks for catching me," he said.

"It's no problem, you were in danger, it was the least I could do." Bdubs tried to hide how grateful he was but the truth was, he didn't even know how to describe it with words, how to show someone as amazing as Doc how he felt. Not sure what to do he did something he knew he was going to regret. He kissed Doc on the cheek before abruptly walking away into his monolith. He stood by the window as he watched Doc turn bright red, and walk away. Bdubs realized, maybe Doc felt the same as him, maybe he had also struggled with telling him, maybe they were meant to be.

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