Magic and Murder(Skyrim AU part 2)

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I would like to make a quick note about Khajiits, they talk in third person and I struggled on writing that so if the parts where Khajiits talk in this AU are a bit weird that's why. Hypno is probably ooc, I don't watch his content(I'm planning to though) and don't really know how I would writing his personality.

Ren and Grian stood outside Frozen Hearth Inn which was located in Winterhold. The town was covered in snow; the only plants were evergreen trees and snowberry bushes.

"So I'm gonna check out the college while you go earn some money," Grian recited their plan.

"Yep," nodded Ren. Grian waved and walked away leaving the Nord alone in the cold. Ren's smile dropped instantly. He missed before the two had discovered Grian was a Dragonborn. The Breton was always running around killing dragons, searching tombs and now he was off to learn magic. Ren sighed, he couldn't be mad at Grian, Ren was the one who suggested they should go here but he had different motives that anyone realized.

"Yet another child has prayed to their mother, seek out the innkeeper's assistant in Winterhold, take his money and dispose of the victim." Just thinking about the Night Mother's raspy voice sent chills up the werewolf's spine. He opened the door to the inn and entered. It was cozy, Ren wanted to sit down by the fire and warm up but he couldn't waste any time. He walked up the counter and placed a handful of septims on it.

"I'd like to play here, rent a room and maybe hear some of the local gossip."
When Grian was finally able to enter the college the was greeted by a Wood Elf in the college's uniform, he had long brown hair and mustache, he adjusted a pair of glasses as he saw Grian.

"You're the Dragonborn," stated the elf.

"I am," said Grian, suspicion in his voice, "How'd you know?"

"I've heard people's tales of a dirty blond man with bright blue eyes, roughly 5'6 and typically wears red."

"We'll all of those are true, anyways I'm Grian."

"Joe Hills."

"I've been meaning to enroll here, can you bring me to whoever's in charge so I can?" Joe smiled.

"Of course." Joe motioned for Grian to follow and they eventually found a woman with short brown hair. She had a necklace with a bright pink gem.

"Professor Stress!" Called Joe. She turned around.

"Joe? Is something wrong luv?" Joe shook his head.

"No, Grian wants to sign up though." Professor Stress smiled.

"A new student!" She motioned for Grian to follow. The Dragonborn followed the High Elf leaving Joe behind.
Once the Breton had been enrolled Professor Stress had instructed Joe to show him to his dorm. Joe was explaining the basic procedures of the college when they entered the hall full of dorms. They turned to enter and stopped when the two saw a figure rummaging around Grian's new dorm.
Ren was sitting around playing in the Frozen Hearth Inn when a man walked in, he wore a black jacket and had caramel colored hair. He walked up to the innkeeper.

"Any other tasks, xB?" Asked the brown haired man.

"Uh...I don't think so..." he thought for a moment later before giving a final shake of his head, "Nope, that's it for today Hypno." He handed Hypno some septims and the brunette walked away.

" out the innkeeper's assistant in Winterhold..." Ren froze, the man was the client. He waited about a minute before following the Nord out of the Inn. He tracked him to a house with two deathbell plants in the yard. Ren made a mental note of where it was before walking back to where the Inn was.
"Scar!" Shouted the Wood Elf. The figure was a gray and white Khajiit, he had forest green eyes and was wearing the classic outfit of Winterhold College. The Khajiit, Scar, froze.

"Well hello there Joe, you startled Scar," stated the Khajiit, talking in third person. He put the nirn root he was holding in his satchel.

"Put the objects back," sighed Joe.

"But Scar grabbed them, they're Scar's now. Plus there's no one using this dorm," replied Scar.

"Scar, a new student enrolled today, the dorm is Grian's now," said Joe. Scar looked at the jazzberries sitting on a dresser and then at Grian and Joe.

"See ya!" He grabbed the jazzberries and ran.
That night Ren snuck out of the inn. He walked over to Hypno's house, he effortlessly picked the lock on the door. Hypno was sitting in a chair reading when Ren slipped in. Ren was wearing red and black armor, hopefully hiding his identity with the leather mask. Hypno turned around and froze at the sight of him.

"A-are you from the Dark Brotherhood?" He asked cautiously. Ren nodded.

"Who's the target?" Hypno sighed, glancing out the window and then back at Ren.

"Professor Stress of Winterhold College."
It had been a week since Gruan had enrolled in the college. He stared at the ceiling of his dorm, he had just gotten done talking with Head Mage Gemini Tay about what had happened on his class's little field trip. Suddenly the hall was filled with the sound of a bloodcurdling scream. He sat up. He noticed Joe and Scar had been awakened. The Dragonborn raced out of his dorm, Scar and Joe following close behind. He ran through the courtyard and into the main hall. He froze when he saw the scene before him. A hooded figure in black and red holding a dagger, standing over Professor Stress' dead body. Grian stood in shock before pulling out his glass sword and pointing it at the figure's back.

"What have you done?" He growled. The figure whipped around and Grian froze. He recognized the piercing blue eyes that stared back at him. He recognized them anywhere.

"Grian? What's wrong?" Joe asked, concerned.

"Ren?" Whispered Grian, his face one of total shock. The figure, Ren, dropped the dagger and bolted. Scar chased after him but was stopped by Grian.

"No Scar, let me go after him." The Breton ran after the murderer, into the night. As Grian exited the college he could hear a wolf howling in the distance.
This isn't nearly as angsty as what is planned for part 4
*evil laughter intensifies*

Also, I made Khajiit!Scar art!
I tried drawing him with out hair but it looked cursed so you get Khajiit!Scar with hair.
(Also his Khajiit design is based off of Jellie)

I just realized the pin is the same color as his fur-Oh well-

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I just realized the pin is the same color as his fur-
Oh well-

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