Not Happily Ever After(Xae)

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Blood and death TW, this is extremely angsty-

Xae was curled up in a ball, the endstone ground was cold and hard, the Watcher looming over them had a malicious smile on their face. Xae was covered in the purple blood that voidlings had, the Watcher had also sustained some injuries, most noticeably the large gash across their face that Xae had given them that had caused half of their mask to fall off.

"You shouldn't have left us," they said, their wings unfolding to reveal their full wingspan. They held a sword in their hands, "any last words?" Xae closed their eyes, waiting for the end to come as their life flashed before their eyes.
"What's this?" Asked Xae, intrigued.

"That's nether wart," replied Xisuma, who was working with his brewing stand. All sorts of ingredients were strewn across the counter, Xae sat on the counter next to their twin.

"And this?" They held up a glass bottle full of a clear liquid that was boiling hot despite never having been boiled or even near a flame.

"Those are ghast tears, leave them alone, if you drop them, it will hurt."

"Oh don't be ridiculous," the 13 year old reached across the counter to grab another ingredient, "How about this?"
"You feel like you're in your brother's shadow don't you?" Xae whipped around, the shadow figure was back, its glowing green eyes and scar following them, "when you were little he would defend the people who didn't understand you, but now he does nothing."

"Why are you following me? Who are you?"

"A friend."
Xae sobbed into Xisuma's shoulder, they were free, Jeff was gone.

"Imsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorry," the simple phrase came as one long, slurred word as they repeated it over and over again.

"It's okay, you have nothing to apologize for, it was Jeff who did all those awful things, not you," comforted Xisuma. The voidling wrapped his arms around his sibling, "it's over now, Jeff is gone, you're free."
"Uh... excuse me?" they tapped his shoulder. He turned around, he had a mess of blond hair and bright purple eyes. He wore a flashy pink and yellow outfit, "Are you Worm Man?"
"And this is my humble abode," Worm Man held out his arms, presenting the pitiful cave the self proclaimed hero was living in.

"As your sidekick I'd just like to say, this needs some fixing up," said Xae.

"That would be greatly appreciated... I'm not the best at interiors, I grew up in a place where there was no such thing as building, you used nature as a shelter and roamed around to survive."

"Where are you-"

"I'm from Hels," sighed the hero, "I'd rather not talk about it though.
"You managed to do this all in a day?" Worm Man asked in awe as he stared at the interior Xae had been working on.

"Yep," they had split the cave in half, decorating the first half in objects Worm Man liked while theirs was exactly how they preferred their areas.
Xae curled up in a ball, they had tucked themselves into a small crevice between two boulders, Xisuma had banned them. They had been sent away to some unknown land, they knew it wasn't Xisuma's fault, he had lost his temper and in his rage accidentally banned his sibling, but he would unban him soon, right?
"I still can't believe Hels is protecting that hermit. It's so strange, one of the hermits shows up in this land and instead of tearing that weakling apart he helps them? What is this?" Xae cringed at the words they overheard True saying. They knew hermits weren't exactly popular around here and it was a miracle that Hels had decided to help them, after all they were a part of the Helsmets' sworn enemy.
"I like you for who you are, and I've been meaning to ask you this," Hels pulled out a small box with a grin on his face, "Xathan Void," he knelt, "will you marry me?" Xae started for a moment before they broke into tears. Hels stared at them confused, Xae started vigorously nodding to signify that they said yes.
"You left me alone in a freaking wasteland! A wasteland in which people hate hermits, do you know how lucky I was that their leader had a crush on me? I could have been killed!"

"Well you survived!"


"WELL MAYBE I WISH YOU WEREN'T MY SIBLING!" Xae froze, they didn't know what to say, they're wings flared instinctively and they felt tears prick their eyes. Xisuma instantly realized what he had said, he covered his mouth with his hands before holding one out to Xae.

"I-I... Xae-"

"Save it."
That was it, Xae was going to die, they had never made up with X and they would never get to say goodbye to Hels, even then, Worm Man had disappeared several years ago. Xae was going to die alone.

They didn't want to be alone, despite their harsh exterior they never wanted to be alone. The world had other plans for them though, no one ever stuck with them, something always happened, and Xae would be alone, forever.

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