7 days of spring peompts day 3

382 7 2

This one shot is weird but in a good way- also it's less than 300 words *sobs*

Day 3- Meadow

Doc sighed. Bdubs had blindfolded him and was leading him somewhere. Bdubs refused to say anything, saying it was an absolute secret, but due to the fact that Doc kept on hitting branches of trees and twigs scratched at him, giving him the clues that it was in a forested area. After another 10 minutes of walking, Bdubs stopped.

"We have arrived!" Exclaimed the American, taking off Doc's blind fold. Doc looked around, they were in a clearing surrounded by tall oak trees, in the center was a blanket layed out for them, Bdubs stood in front of it all with a couple flowers in his hands.

"This is amazing," smiled Doc. Bdubs blushed.

"You think so?"

"I know so." Bdubs blushed harder.

"Here." He handed the German his flowers, clearly embarrassed. The two sat down. It was awkward, the two had only been dating for a week or two, both weren't quite sure how to act.

"So, have you done any more game breaking projects?" Doc answered the question with a laugh.

"Actually I have, in the Nether I made a ghast ball cannon."

"How is that game breaking?"

"I made it so I have complete control over the ghast balls, I can fire them, not the ghasts." Bdubs stared at him in utter confusion.


"You'd have to see it to understand." Bdubs nodded. Doc watched as Bdubs started to mess with the grass. He picked a blade and started to fidget with it, "I like your monolith."

"Thanks." Bdubs was still busy with the blade of grass, his mismatched eyes not looking up from it.

"And...I..." Doc had no idea what to say next so he just watched Bdubs, and he couldn't be happier.

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