Wilting Lilies (Flower Husbands)

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I want to thank TheAlliedArchives For helping me write a good chunk of the last half, go check them out as they are an amazing writer.

"Jimmy! Wait for me!" Called Scott. The two were running around late at night in the Overworld. Scott had left his Watcher attire near the portal he had used to get from the End to the Overworld.

"Come on Scott!" Exclaimed the Allay hybrid, excited to show Scott whatever he had found.

"I'm coming, jeez, not everyone is fast like you," laughed the Voidwalker.

"You're not wrong." Scott finally caught up with Jimmy, Jimmy was standing at the mouth of a cave, glow berries and vines covering the entrance. He brushed aside the greenery to reveal a small cave he had decorated. Flowers dotted the place, along with candles and a table with a small box on it. Scott entered, staring at the place in awe.

"Jimmy, this place is beautiful."

"I know," replied the Allay hybrid, he walked over to the table and grabbed the small box, "I have something to ask you."

"What is it?" Right after Scott asked him, the Watcher realized what was happening, and he dropped the poppy bouquet that Jimmy had given him, "Oh my God- Jimmy-" Jimmy grinned and got down on one knee.

"Scott Smajor, will you marry me?" Scott could feel tears form in his eyes and slowly start to flow down his cheeks.

Scott starred in horror at the Watcher towering over him and Jimmy.

"𝙹 ̣ ⍑╎ ∴⍑ ||𝙹⚍' ∷⚍リ 𝙹⎓⎓ ̣ 𝙹." The Watcher said with a grin. Scott looked between Jimmy and the Watcher. He let go of the Allay's hand and shoved him.

"Jimmy! Go!" Jimmy hesitated, but once he saw the look in his husband's eyes he bolted.
When the Watchers had found Scott they brought him back to the End, Scott had been stranded in the dimension for 5 painful years, but that was going to change today. He double checked that there was no one to catch him before leaving his hiding place and ran for the portal in the middle of the main island. He reached the center and practically dived into the portal.

As he was whisked away he prayed that Jimmy hadn't moved on, that the Voidwalker hadn't been forgotten. When he arrived in the Overworld everything looked mostly the same, some plants were gone and there were some new ones too but other than that the forest was pretty much the same. He wandered around for a while calling out Jimmy's name before he froze once he saw an object on the ground that filled the Voidwalker with dread.

A tombstone.

Scott approached it, terrified. He let out a sob when he saw the name.

James 'Jimmy' Solidarity

His worst fear had come true, the Watchers had killed his husband. Scott sat down in front of the tombstone, his tombstone, hugged himself with his wings and cried.

"Why are you crying?" Asked a voice. Scott turned around to see a 12 year old child. They had blue hair that was a similar shade to Scott's, they had light blue, almost white eyes and two Allay wings. Scott decided that the child must have been one of Jimmy's many cousins. They carried a basket in their hands. A small flower crown was in their hands. Scott noticed that the child appeared to glow a bit.

"It's complicated," answered Scott, he folded his wings behind his back and watched as the child sat next to him. They glanced at the tombstone and back up at Scott.

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