The Apperition in the Attic, Ghost part 2(xBralis)

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I do not like how this turned out-

After Keralis and xB's first meeting Keralis would visit often, xB would occasionally hear Keralis' friend Bubbles joke about Keralis moving into his attic. The two became friends, xB would tell Keralis stories about his life and his death and Keralis would tell xB about the current world.

One day when the two were visiting, Keralis' friend decided to pay a visit to the attic.

"Hey Keralis! Mind if I come up there?" Keralis glanced at xB.

"It's fine, I'll just read my book."

Keralis nodded.

"It's fine, come on up Bubbles!" Bubbles entered the attic.

"I've lived here for three months and this is the first time I've been in the attic," He commented. Bubbles had midnight-black hair. His eyes were mis-matched, one a sky blue and the other caramel colored. He wore a white t-shirt with a green jacket that resembled moss, around his head was a blood red bandanna holding his hair back.

"And I basically live in your attic," chuckled Keralis.

"Speaking of which, why do you spend so much time up here?" Asked Bubbles. Keralis glanced at xB before answering his friend.

"No reason, I just like it here."

"What are you looking at..." Bubbles followed Keralis' gaze until his eyes landed on xB, "WHAT THE HECK- THERE'S ANOTHER PERSON IN THE ATTIC!" screamed the man.

"Bubbles! Stop shouting! It's just xB!" Bubbles didn't listen.

"WHO ON EARTH IS-" Keralis promptly slapped a hand over the American's mouth.

"Why don't you let Princess explain." Bubbles looked between xB and Keralis before sighing in defeat. xB decided to stay seated while he explained.

"I..." he glanced nervously at Keralis, who gave him an encouraging nod, "I'm dead, a ghost." Bubbles' face of suspicion turned into one of shock.

"WHAT TH-" Keralis' hand was covering the raven haired man's mouth once again. xB waited for the muffled shouting to be over before continuing.

"So... ghosts can't wander free, they're stuck in the building they died in, or in my case the closet one," explained xB with a sigh.

"So you're stuck in my attic?" Bubbles had managed to escape Keralis.


"So... is it like with vampires, do you need my permission to leave the room?"

"No it...I don't know," shrugged xB.

"We could try," offered Keralis. xB looked between the two.

"If you want to."

"So, how exactly are you not able to leave the attic?" xB walked up to the trapdoor in the floor of the attic and opened it. He reached through the opening to the floor below but his hand stopped as if it had hit a wall.

"So it's like a barrier."


"So, if my theory is correct I just need to give you permission to wander free," Bubbles cleared his throat, "I hereby declare that xB-" He glanced over at the ghost, "What's your last name?"


"I hereby declare that xB Crafted is allowed out of my attic." xB was half expecting a light show of magic to appear or something similar to that. Nothing happened.

"So...did it work?" Asked Keralis.

"Dunno," shrugged xB. He tested my trying to reach his hand through the trapdoor. Suddenly he lost his balance and tumbled down through the trapdoor and onto the floor below.

"I think it worked," commented Keralis.

"I can see that," responded Bubbles.

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