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Sorry for the lack of uploads-
Anyways this was requested by my braincell buddy, Bubbliez_Gacha ,with the simple request of anything Hex.
I now present to you,
A Hex one shot that is far to short for how long it took to write-

The entirety of Xae's body hurt. The last thing they could remember was Xisuma telling them goodbye as the dreaded command was typed.

<Xisuma> /Ban EvilXisuma

"See you later my friend."

Xae felt tears start to slowly drip down their cheeks. Their own twin had banned them.

"Are you okay?" Asked a voice Xae didn't recognize. The Voidling finally opened their eyes to see where they had ended up. The place was mostly barren full of foreboding structures, the overwhelming amount of lava reminded Xae of the Nether. Looking up at the source they saw a knight. He had dirty blond hair, his eyes were a reddish-orange. His armour was a dull, dark gray. He had a couple scars on his face and arms and to add to his intimidating appearance instead of the plume knight's typically had on their helmets he had a flame that flickered wildly.

"Can you speak?" He asked, holding his hand out to help Xae up.

"Y-yes," Xae managed to say before more tears rolled down their cheeks.

"So, what's wrong?" Xae stared at the Netherborn, Xisuma had been the only other person to ask them the question, the twins' mother had died a long time ago in the war between Watchers and the Admins and their dad had left before they were born. The hermits had never really spent that much time with them and they had always acted confident with Worm Man so the super hero never had a reason to ask.

"Nothing," they quickly wiped away their tears, "But thanks for asking."
Xae felt bad about sneaking out to see Xisuma, Xae felt bad over having to cover up why they would disappear for hours on end, but being able to see their brother again was worth it, they had missed him. They had never really elaborated on their past especially after learning the grudge the Helsmits held against the hermits. Hels in particular seemed to hate anything to do with the server. Xae typed the command into their communicator to open the portal to Hermitcraft.

"Xae?" The Voidling froze as Hels spoke from behind them, "What are you doing?" Xae whipped around to face their boyfriend.

"Hi Hels, what brings you here in the middle of the night?"

"Xae, what are you hiding? Where does this portal-"

"It's fine, nothing to see, everything's fine!" Xae interrupted.

"So this is why you've been acting weird, you've been sneaking off to a different server," Hels stared at Xae, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I...I was afraid of losing you..." said Xae, "So many of the Helsmits already hate me, I was afraid you would hate me too once you found out."

"That you're a part of two servers?" Hels asked, "That's perfectly fine, there have been times where the Helsmits have been on other servers along with here."

"It's not that it's..." Xae took in a deep breath, "I recently rejoined the server I was on previously, my brother unbanned me last season and I've been hanging out with him in my free time and-"

"Xae, that's great. You've talked about your brother and how close you two were and how much it hurt when you were banned, I'm so glad you've been able to repair your relationship with him."

"That's the problem, the Helsmits hate him, they hate me, they hate my home I...I can't-" The Voidling started crying.

"Why would we hate him, we don't even know who he-"

"Xisuma! My twin is Xisuma Void, my name is Xathan Void, I'm from Hermitcraft!" Hels froze processing the information. After a couple minutes of silence the Netherborn spoke again.

"I- I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry that I made you feel like you had to hide who you really were, I'm sorry for having a stupid grudge against the hermits."

"You mean you don't hate me?"

"How could I hate the person I love?" Hels hugged Xae, the two stood there as the portal to Hermitcraft faded due to inactivity.

Sorry for it being so short-
My motivation hates me-

Hermitcraft s9 one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now