Old Friends (Mumskall and slight Scarian)

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I apparently wrote this one shot a long time ago but I forgot about it. Also is the original version Grian call his mother his mom but I decided that was cursed and changed it to mum, tell me if I missed any.

Grian took a deep breath as he opened the doors to the school and walked in. Today was his first day, but for everyone else it was that day after winter break. He found himself in a sea of High School students, the deafening noise of hundreds of voices talking at once. He looked down at his schedule and looked around, he definitely needed directions. He had lived in the town, Hermit City, before when he was younger, before his parents had gotten divorced. He and his Dad had then moved halfway across the country only visiting his Mum, his younger sister Sunny and his older brother Solis on holidays, well until some recent developments in his family and because of those instead of pulling Sunny out of her school here and dragging her across the country to a place where she and Grian had zero friends it made more sense to keep the 10 year old here and for him and his Dad to move back. Grian tried to find someone who looked nice and would be able to help him with directions, he eventually settled for a boy who's back was turned, he had messy brown hair and was wearing a lime green shirt. The boy was talking to a girl in a pink jacket with a flower crown sitting atop her short brown hair and a boy in a red hoodie with sparkling blue eyes with a pair of sunglasses sitting on his head.

"Uh...I was wondering if you could help me find my class, it's-" He was cut off as the boy turned around.

"Grian? What are you doing here?" Grian looked up and did a double take.

"Iskall?!" Iskall had been one of Grian's friends before he moved away, along with Mumbo, the three had kept in touch all those years and were online friends.

"Dude, I didn't know you were moving back!" Exclaimed Iskall, suddenly his smile dropped to a frown, "Oh...it's because of the..." He glanced at the girl and boy standing next to him.

"Yeah," said Grian, "Anyways, who are those two?"

"That's Stress," Iskall motioned to the girl, "and this is-"

"Ren-diggity-dog!" Interrupted Ren, he held out his hand for Grian to shake.

"Diggity-dog?" Asked Grian confused.

"It's an inside joke you wouldn't get," Stress explained.

"Oh, anyways I need help finding my class."

"I can help with that!" Iskall proceeded to inspect his schedule.

"Lets see, we have ELA together for first hour with Mumbo, your second hour is science, pretty sure Ren has that with you..." The Swede continued to go through the schedule.

"So we have 1st, 3rd and 7th hour together?" Asked Grian once Iskall had finished.
"So, how's Mumbo?" Asked Grian. Ren burst out laughing, Stress shot him an annoyed look.

"I-Mumb... he, we...out-" mumbled Iskall.

"Mumbo asked Iskall out a couple days ago and he said yes!" Exclaimed Ren.

"What?! Why didn't you tell me?"

"Why didn't you tell me you were moving back?"

"Fair point." Iskall glanced at his watch.

"Oh shoot, we're gonna be late!" He grabbed the dirty blond's hand and dragged him through the hallways to ELA.
At lunch Grian sat with Iskall and Mumbo who sat with their friends.

"This is Etho, Bdubs, Impulse, Pearl, Scar, Xisuma, Xae and you already know me, Iskall, Stress and Ren," explained Mumbo pointing to everyone.

"Hi," waved Grian. He was met with enthusiastic greetings from everyone. Grian sat in between Mumbo and the one who was named Scar.

"I'm Scar Goodtimes," He held out his hand for Grian to shake.

"Grian Xelqua," he took the brunette's hand. Grian studied everyone at the table, Bdubs was flicking green beans at Etho who was trying to have a conversation with Iskall. Xisuma was clearly trying to control Xae who was arguing with some kid who was out of their seat, Pearl, Impulse, Ren and Mumbo were just sitting eating lunch. Scar was talking about who knows what. And Grian looked around, he was going to like it here.

I just realized I wasn't clear about what the even that caused him to move back was his mum and Solis died so Grian and his Dad had to take care of Sunny.

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