It's Okay to Cry(Skyrim AU part 4)

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Ren opened the door to the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary in Falkreath. Any and all of his normal energy was completely drained. He had been seen killing the professor by Grian. His best friend probably hated him. As he walked into the main room Etho greeted him.

"Hello-" Etho stopped when he saw Ren's face, "Ren? What's wrong?" Ren looked from his hands at Etho before bursting into tears. He knew he was showing emotion and vulnerability in a place where they should never be displayed but he couldn't help it. He had most likely lost the person he cared about the most in the world for a second time.

"Grian...he...he saw me, he saw me kill, he probably hates me." Ren said he tried to dry his eyes but the tears kept on flowing, "'s like Doc and Keralis all over again." Etho hugged Ren and the mention of Doc. Etho had also been close friends with Doc, long before Ren knew him though. The two had been members of the Dawnguard, a faction who hunted vampires, for a year or two before Etho had been infected by a vampire, unable to cure his curse Etho was thrown out and Doc turned his back on Etho, leaving the Dawnguard shortly after and joining the Companions where Ren met him.

"It, it hurts at first," said Etho, " We both know that, but you meet new people and make new connections and it the pain lessons, it'll never fade away, I still wish I could talk to Doc again, that the two of us could grab our crossbows and run off so go kill some vampires, but that'll never happen again, all I can do is move forward and hope for a better future." The room was silent afterwards. Ren and Ethos stood there, letting the werewolf sob before he eventually whipped away his tears.

"Does It look like I've been crying?" Asked Ren with a laugh. Etho chuckled.

"A bit," smiled the vampire.

Etho's backstory is my favorite-
Also sorry for this being so short.

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