7 days of spring prompts Day 2

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I hate this so much-
Also this is just Xisuma and Keralis being friends no shipping intended as Xisuma is uncomfortable.
Day 2- Thunderstorm

Xisuma watched as rain fell outside, the small droplets landing on the window of his base. The rain formed puddles where the stoney ground dipped. They looked up at the sky. No lightning, yet. He put on his helmet and headed outside, it was just a bit of rain that wouldn't stop him from going mining, he was low on coal after all. Plus the caves were underground, what danger would the rain be?

He started to mine and thanks to the new update it wasn't long before he found a giant cave. He held his torch in one hand and his netherite pic in the other. Soon he struck dirt, it wasn't normal dirt though, it had roots running through it. A lush cave. Excited he switched to his shovel and started digging, he could grab some moss, maybe a couple axolotls along the way. Despite the fact he no longer had his axolotl armor he still felt an attachment to them. He found himself falling through the air before landing on the soft, squishy substance of moss.

Almost instantly he spotted an axolotl swimming in a small pool of clay and water not too far from him. He grabbed a bucket out of his inventory and scooped up the small creature. It wasn't long before his inventory was filled with moss, azaleas, dripleaves and more. He was about to tower back up when he heard something, something loud like rushing water, and a lot of it. Then he saw it, a huge wave of water rushing towards him. There must have been a cave system nearby that had been flooded by the non stop rain from the last few days. This was it for him, he was going to drown in the cave and die and the Hermits would be left adminless, unsure of what happened to him. Suddenly he heard someone shout his name.

"Shashwammy!" He looked up to see Keralis flying in. He grabbed Xisuma by the hand and the two flew out of there. Eventually they landed in front of Keralis' nightclub.

"How did you know I was down there?"

"A magician never reveals their secrets." Xisuma sighed.

"Well thanks for saving my life."

"It's nothing, you would have done the same Shashwammy." Xisuma smiled at his friend.

"See you later?"

"See you later."

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