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This was originally supposed to be a Hex one shot, then it kinda became a Void Siblings One Shot and back to Hex so... I just decided to call it a Xae one shot-

Xae wandered the halls of the ginormous End City the Watchers lived in. They didn't exactly enjoy being a Watcher, they would much rather be an admin, but the Watchers had decided since they were an admin born with wings they were destined to be a Watcher. They didn't like it, the rules were strict and the masks were uncomfortable, worst of all, the barley ever got to see their twin brother, Xisuma.

So Xae found themself wandering the halls at night, wanting to learn if there was anyways out. When they neared the stairs to the dungeon they heard someone shouting. Xae knew they shouldn't go down, that it was just a prisoner who wanted to be free but they descended into the basement anyways.
Hels rattled the bars again, calling out into the empty air.

"Let me out! I never did anything!" He screamed over and over again. Sure, he was a bit destructive, and had blown up plenty of places but why would the Watchers care? He knew the tiers of the powerful 'factions', Admins, Watchers, Listeners, World Builders and Dimension Deities. Watchers weren't in charge of this stuff, it was at least something for Listeners if it was a big enough threat. Which it wasn't. Hels stood there, fuming and screaming, eventually he heard someone walking. He froze once they came into view.

The stranger had white hair the color of snow and blood red eyes, they wore a Watcher uniform minus the mask and had their long hair tied up in a ponytail. The only thing that stopped Hels from believing they weren't just a prisoner disguised as a Watcher was their two lilac colored wings. The two stared at each other for a while before the stranger spoke up.

"Could you keep it down? You're gonna wake them."
Over the course of a year Xae and Hels got to know each other, exchanging stories late at night and hanging out. Over time they devised a plan to escape, which was why Xae was walking down the corridor to the dungeon, insanely nervous and ready to break Hels out. Xae had borrowed the keys to Hels' cell from Scott who had stolen them from Oli who had stolen them from a guard. Xae swiftly ran down the stairs and unlocked Hels' cell.

"Are you ready to be free?" They asked with a grin. Hels nodded and Xae tossed them a Watcher uniform, this time they had stolen it themself. Hels quickly put on the disguise and the two slipped out of the dungeon, making their way through the city. When they reached the gates Xae grasped Hels' hand and the two walked together. The two stepped outside of the city and they instantly dragged Hels to hide behind the nearest chorus fruit tree.

"Are you ready?" Xae asked, Hels nodded but the watcher could tell he was nervous. This next step of the two's escape would involve Xae flying Hels over the void as they were the only one out of the two with wings. If Xathan dropped the Netherborn in the flight he would fall into the void which would be game over, no one ever came back from the void alive. Xae took a deep breath, held their boyfriend close, spread their lilac wings, and the two made their way across the void.

They were planning on begging the admins to let them stay with them until they could escape to the overworld. Xae almost dropped Hels once or twice but other than that the journey turned out fine. Once the two landed on the floating End island the admins lived on, Xae left Hels on the ground while they flew around outside the city, looking through the windows, trying to spot Xisuma. After five or so minutes they spotted their twin. His window was open and he was fast asleep sitting at his desk.

"Psst, X" they whispered. Xisuma didn't move, "Xisuma, wake up!" Nothing. They started lightly shaking him and repeatedly whispering for him to get up. Eventually he opened his eyes and looked at Xae before sitting up straight and staring at them.

Hermitcraft s9 one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now