"I love you" (Skyrim AU part 6)

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Guess what?
The Skyrim AU is back-
Here's the Void Siblings content y'all wanted-
Xisuma entered his room. He looked at his bed and froze, sitting on the edge was a person. Not just a random person the Jarl didn't recognize, this person he knew very well.

They had white hair and blood red eyes, they wore the black and red armour that the members of the Dark Brotherhood wore.

"What are you doing here Xae," the Nord asked, "You can't be here, especially now that the guards know you're an assassin. They won't care if you're my twin, they'll kill you on the spot."

"Look, Xisuma," sighed the assassin, "I wouldn't have come here if it wasn't important."

"What's wrong?"

"The other day...I was given a contract, the problem is, you were the target." Xisuma slowly backed away, he feared his sibling would attack him, Xae had a history of carrying out contracts, even if it meant killing someone close to the Nord. Xae's own friend, True Symmetry, she had been a high ranking Whiterun guard, was found dead one day with a steel dagger in her back. Xisuma knew it was his sibling from the dagger, the twins' father had given Xae a dagger just like it long ago. Xae had been sending him a message with True's death, the Nord wasn't afraid to kill those they loved.

"Please, I know what you're thinking... don't do it." Xae smiled, their eyes had a dangerous look in them as they pulled out a dwarven sword.

"I have to X, I'm the leader of the Dark Brotherhood after all...I don't want to be considered...soft," and with that they plunged the sword into the Jarl's chest, "I'm sorry brother. I love you" and with those simple words ringing in Xisuma's ears, his world went black.
"I think he's waking up!" Exclaimed a voice.

"Oh thank Tal- I mean Thank the Divines," said another. X opened his eyes. The Jarl was surrounded by healers, he saw a Companion or two in the crowd.

"Wh...what happened?" Asked the Nord trying to sit up in his bed, the healers quickly pushed him back into a lying position. One of the Companions, a Dark Elf, he had dark brown hair along with a beard and an eye patch over his left eye, pushed himself to the front of the crowd.

"One of the guards found you laying on the floor of your bedroom, a sword in your chest," He held up a dwarven sword covered in blood, Xisuma felt like he was going to throw up, "we managed to find you just in time, any later and you would be dead."

"Do you know what happened?" Asked the other Companion, this time a Nord with jet black hair and dark green eyes. Xisuma froze as he remembered the events that had unfolded earlier, Xae had tried to kill him. His own twin had almost murdered him.

"By the Divines... Xae, they...they tried to kill me!" The sentence threw the healers into a panic while the two Companions just stared at the Jarl in confusion.

"Who's Xae?" Asked the Nord.

"Xae's my twin, when we were in our early twenties they left a couple years ago I found out they had joined the Dark Brotherhood and was one of their top assassins before becoming their leader."

"At least they didn't join the Silver Hand," muttered the Dark Elf Companion.

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