7 days of spring prompts Day 1

542 15 12

Flower husbands and I don't give a frick that their not hermits-

Day 1- Bouquet

Scott watched as Jimmy talked with his friends, Mumbo, Grian, Martyn and Impulse. Scott tried to come up with a plan to ask Jimmy out. He glanced around, there had to be something, he couldn't just go up to his crush and go "Hi, how are you doing? Wanna go on a date?" So instead he stared, brushing his bluish-teal hair out of his eyes.

"Hi, Scott," Scott jumped out of his skin, he turned around to see Pearl.

"Don't scare me like that."

"Are you spying on Jimmy again?"

"Spying?! Why would I spy on Jimmy?" Pearl nodded, clearly keeping in laughter.

"You know you couldn't be more obvious if you stood on the top of the school building and shouted it to the world, and Jimmy wouldn't be any more oblivious."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"We both know we're talking about your crush on Ji-" she was cut off by Scott slapping his hand over Pearl's mouth.

"Not so loud!"

"Fine, fine, so why were you staring at Jimmy?"

"I was trying to figure out how to... ask him out." Pearl's eyes lit up, the biggest grin on her face.

"Well you have come to the right place, I am amazing at planning dates."



"How many dates have you planned?"

"About zero, but I know I'm going to come up with the perfect date ever."

"How?" Pearl reached into her jacket's pocket and pulled out a flyer.

"Easy, the school dance."

"You want me to ask him out to the dance?! How am I supposed to do that?" Pearl shrugged.

"You'll figure it out." Then the bell rang, ending their discussion.

It had been two weeks since Scott had found out about the dance through Pearl and he was determined to ask Jimmy out. He was going to find Jimmy and slip a card asking him out into his notebook so when. He opened it and he would find Scott's note. He had decided to also get him a couple flowers. It was in a week, this was it, now or never, he saw Jimmy walking down the hall talking to Joel. Scott sped up, intending to just start a conversation but instead he didn't pay attention and ran into the blond, papers and notebooks scattered everywhere. Both of them fell to the floor, Scott could feel himself turn red. Joel instantly helped up Jimmy.

"Are you ok?" Asked Joel.

"I think so." Jimmy turned around and offered a hand to Scott. Scott reached for the blond's hand. Once he was up off the ground he realized that his card and flowers were by Joel's feet. Petrified he stared at them, Joel noticed and picked it up, reading the card. He glanced at Scott's terrified face and then at Jimmy. He handed Scott the card.

"I think he'll say yes." The brunette whispered in his ear. Scott smiled before thanking him. He quickly ran off. His plan had failed, but he had a new idea. He walked to Jimmy's locker and slipped in the card. He smiled, maybe Joel was right, maybe Jimmy would say yes.

Happy April Fools and B-day to Evil X.

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