7 days of spring prompts day 7

350 17 13

I hate this so much and it's now outdated because of Scar's new episode today
I have had literally no motivation lately :(
Day 7- Sunshine

Grian hated the word "sunshine". He didn't hate the word, more like he hated people saying it. It had been his word, what his Mum had called him. Before his world was destroyed. His Mum had been killed in a terrible accident. Sure he had been 18, legally an adult, but he couldn't imagine living without her. He hated when people used the word sunshine, it had been her word, and now she was gone.

"Hey Grian!" Grian turned his head to spot Mumbo. Grian snapped out of his thoughts.

"Oh...hey Mumbo."

"Is something wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong." Grian quickly grabbed some rockets, ready to fly away if Mumbo tried to question him more.

"Do you want to hang out with me and Scar then?" Grian's eyes lit up at the mention of his boyfriend.

"Sure!" Exclaimed Grian.


"So...I need some people to help me clean up Locked Out: The Ravagers Revenge," Explained Scar with a laugh.

"So we need to go kill the pillagers but you would get stuck in a death loop because you're you." Scar nodded.

"Don't worry bud, we got you," Mumbo said with a laugh.

Despite Grian and Mumbo's help the elf still managed to get stuck in a death loop as the pillagers were surrounding his bed.

"Grian-" Scar was cut off as he died again, "Mumbo-" "Help me-" The duo laughed, quickly killing the attacking pillagers. Scar sighed in relief when he responded, this time without death looming over him.

"There you go Scar! Safe and sound!"

"Why thank you Sunshine!" Grian froze when he heard what Scar had called him. Mumbo glanced over at Scar. Mumbo had been friends with Grian since he was little, he knew how Grian felt about the word.

"Uh...Scar, you might not want to say that."

"Why?" Asked the elf confused.

"It's kinda personal for Grian."

"Oh." The elf turned to Grian, "Sorry."

"It's fine," smiled Grian. That's what he told himself. Everything was fine. Everything was as fine and so was the word sunshine. But he was wrong.

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