7 days of spring prompts Day 4

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Day 4- Butterfly

Xae stood next to Xisuma's locker.

"Come on, we're gonna be late for class," complained Xae.

"I know, I just need to find my notebook."

"Well hurry up," sighed Xae.

"Found it!" Xisuma pulled out his notebook and the two rushed to the class they had together. Each sitting down in their own desks right as the bell rang. Xae sighed as the teacher announced they were working in groups. They would get assigned to a random kid, and the kid would just sit there, unless they was paired up with Xisuma. Sure they didn't know too many of the kids in their classes as the year had just begun, but it was always like that, year after year. So they listened, waiting for their name to be called.

"Xathan Void and Hels Knight." Xae sighed and stood up, walking up to the teacher so he could assign them and their partner their topic. They froze when they saw Hels Knight. He had dirty blond hair tied into a ponytail and reddish-orange eyes.

"Let's see...your topic is..." The teacher looked through their list of random topics, "Butterflies." Xae was instantly annoyed about having to research such a stupid creature. They followed Hels back to his seat and the pair sat down. They watched as Xisuma was paired up with some kid named Keralis before Hels spoke to them.

"Are you two related?" It took Xae a second to realize he was talking about Xisuma.

"Yeah, he's my twin."

"Must be nice to have a twin. All I have is my bossy older brother, Wels."

"Xisuma's not much better. He thinks I'm irresponsible and need constant supervision. I only blew something up once and I was in 3rd grade!" Hels laughed at that, Xae felt theirself turn bright red, "We're off track, lets just do the assignment." Hels nodded and the two spent the rest of the period working.

The next day Xae was talking to Zedaph when they heard someone call their name.

"Hey! Xae!" They turned around to spot Hels. Zedaph glanced at Hels.

"Who is that?"

"That's Hels, we're working on a project together." Zedaph nodded, his blond hair falling in front of his eyes.

"So what do you need?" Asked Zedaph.

"I..." Hels glanced at Xae, "I was wondering if we could maybe... I don't know, hang out sometime?" Xae smiled.

"I think I would like that."
I will be missing tomorrow's prompt due to the fact that I have no inspiration and I have state assessments(basically finals). Also I couldn't figure out how to put Worm man into a irl setting so you get Zedaph instead lol.

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