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This is based off of a headcanon of mine inspired by She-ra(2018 version) with Madam Razz being stuck going back and forth with the past and present. Also Keralis is ooc again, for some reason I struggle with writing his personality. And this took forever to write because I lost motivation multiple times, so the events are a little old.

xB had grown used to it. What is "it" you ask? "It" was the fact that ever since the American had decided to base in his cave he had been stuck in a never ending loop of the present and the past. One minute he would be talking with Hypno, the next running for his life from the ancient giants that had once roamed where the hermits now live.

When xB had first been transported to the past he had been terrified, hiding in the shadows. Now that this had been happening for about a month he saw it like a normal everyday inconvenience, like a zombie sneaking up behind him. After the first two weeks he had decided to start keeping a journal, detailing what he observed of the giants' lifestyle. A couple days ago he had tried an experiment. Could he bring a mob with him to the past? His question was answered when he brought a sheep with him to the past. Now he avoided any kind of physical touch with the hermits. He wasn't quite sure what their reaction would be but he knew they would probably panic.

"So you're perfectly fine with me as your neighbor?" Asked Keralis.

"Yep!" Smiled xB. He noticed the world start to glitch, he was about to be thrown into the past. Then exactly what he feared happened. Keralis hugged him right as he was thrown into the past, "Keralis! Wait don't-" but it was too late. The damage had been done. Him and Keralis were separated as the ground trembled from the footsteps of giants. xB swiftly grabbed Keralis' hand and pulled him behind one of the cave's pillars.

"What on earth is going on?" Asked Keralis, hints of fear and wonder in his voice. xB considered lying to the builder but decided against it.

"I'll only tell you if you don't tell anyone else."

"Of course Princess!"

"About a month ago, shortly after we arrived for this season, I gained this strange ability I can't control. I randomly flip back and forth between the past and the present. Lucky me, there were giants here in the past," explained xB with a sigh.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Asked Keralis. Before xB could answer one of the giants came dangerously close to the pillar the two were hiding behind. xB dragged Keralis to some bushes further away.

"Look, I can't exactly walk up to you guys and go, 'Guess what, I can switch between the past and the present'." Keralis nodded at xB's logic.

"How are we going to get out of here?" Asked the builder.

"We have to wait, I'll randomly be teleported to the present, there's no way of knowing when," shrugged xB. Keralis sighed and watched as xB pulled out a notebook.

"What are you doing?"

"Journaling, there isn't much to do in the past." xB also grabbed a pencil and started writing, occasionally peaking over the bushes before turning back to his journal. Every once and a while he glanced over at Keralis who was messing with some twigs. Eventually xB felt the world start to warp as he was being brought back to the present. He grabbed Keralis' hand right before they were teleported back.

"And we're back," said xB standing up and brushing the dirt off his hoodie. He held his hand out to Keralis and the lumberjack accepted it.

"So you've been dealing with that for a month?"

"Basically," shrugged xB. "It doesn't bother me anymore." The two talked for a while before Keralkis waved goodbye, leaving xB in his cave.

This is so short but I loved writing it-

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