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I was really unmotivated on this but I hadn't put out anything in like a week so I finished it, sorry if it feels rushed or choppy, I used a prompt but I lost the picture of it.
Xae stepped out onto the porch and shivered from the cold air. They watched as small white flakes fell from the sky.

"Hey Hels! It's snowing!" Hels came up to the door and leaned in the frame.

"Thank you for stating the obvious." Xae rolled their eyes.

"What was I supposed to say then?" Hels just shrugged, "Exactly! You can't get after me for saying that."

"So do you want to go out, in the snow I mean, not...well dating."


"Do you have a jacket or something?" asked Hels. Xae shook their head.

"I didn't know it was going to snow when I came over." Hels quickly stepped back inside before coming back out with a hoodie in his hands.

"Here, you can borrow one of mine," said Hels, handing the gray hoodie to Xae.

"Thanks." The duo headed out into the snow.
Xae waved goodbye to Hels before opening their front door. The house was quiet which meant Xisuma was still at band practice. When they reached their room they froze as the realized they were still wearing Hels' hoodie.

"Shoot," they muttered. They decided that they would give it to Hels when they saw him the next day. Xae slipped their hand into the pocket and felt a small square object. Pulling it out they realized it was an iPod, Xae hadn't seen one in the longest time, most people just used their phones now.

They didn't mean to snoop but they couldn't help but take a peak at the playlists. They mostly had normal names until Xae arrived at the last one, it was titled "Xae". Why would Hels have a playlist with their name? They clicked on it and scrolled through the songs, it was all of their favorite songs, Youth by Daughter, Bang! By AJR, Colors by Halsey and many others.

They nearly jumped out of their skin when their cell phone rang from across the room. Xae ran over and picked up the phone, the caller was Hels.

"Hey Hels!"

"Hi, did you accidentally take my hoodie with you because I can't find it."

"Yeah, I have it with me. Do you want me to drop it off at your place?"


"See you in a bit." Xae quickly ran out to their car and put the hoodie with the iPod on the passenger seat.
When they arrived at Hels' house he was standing on the front porch.

"Hi," Said Hels as Xae handed him the hoodie.

"You also left an iPod in the pocket of the hoodie," pointed out Xae. Hels froze, turning red as he did, "I didn't mean to snoop and there was a playlist with my name and it had my favorite songs and I loved it and-"

" didn't find it creepy?"

"Creepy? It was almost like a birthday present." Hels' eyes widened as Xae continued, they were also now the color of a tomato, "I...I've liked you for a long time Hels, and I was too scared to tell you in case you felt different but after seeing that..."

"I...I like you too." The two stood in silence in the middle of the snow covered lawn. After about 5 minutes of silence and staring Hels grabbed the hoodie and iPod and rushed into the house, muttering something under his breath. Xae just stood there in the front yard, holding their breath as their face slowly returned to its normal pale color.

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