Friend or Foe?(Skyrim AU part 5)

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Etho wore a hood over his head, shrouding his blood red eyes from the people and protecting the vampire from the sun. Etho recalled the words of the client.

"I want the woman who runs the fruit stand in Whiterun dead," the man had said, "Here's half the pay, I'll give you the rest once she's dead."

Etho stood in the shadow of a building, concealed by bushes. He aimed his bow and arrow at the woman's back before letting the arrow fly. He smiled, satisfied, as the woman fell over, dead. He turned around to walk away when he was met by a gruff voice he recognized anywhere.

"Where do you think you're going?" Came the voice of none other than Doc.

"Why does that concern you?" Asked Etho.

"I saw what you did," said Doc.


"Normal assassins would run away, or try to kill me, you've done neither." Etho chuckled. He still hadn't turned around and apparently Doc hadn't recognized his voice either.

"Why would I kill my friend?" He turned around to face Doc. The Companion stared confused at Etho for a second before his expression changed to one of shock.


"The one and only," replied the vampire with a grin, "On a scale of 1-10 how bad did you miss me." Doc didn't reply instead he let out a sigh and lowered his sword.

"What are you doing here?"

"Completing a contract." Etho said simply.

"Oh, right." Etho turned to leave but stopped, he had one more question.

"How's Beef?" He whispered. Doc looked temporarily shocked before answering

"He's fine, he still misses you though." Ethos smiled to himself.

"Tell him...tell him that I say hi." And with that the vampire was gone.

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