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I don't know why I wrote this, I just did. I was bored in the middle of class and this is the result.

Bdubs seemed like an average hermit on the outside, chaotic, fun, talented, he didn't seem like someone who would have a darker story like Xisuma or Scar. He was standing outside iEnchant, talking with Scar and Impulse.

"You already lost the armor I enchanted?" Asked Impulse, a newly respawned Scar nodded sadly.

"I probably should have looked where I was flying in the nether, maybe I wouldn't have taken a nose dive into that lava lake," moped the elf. Bdubs and Impulse both laughed at Scar's comment.

"I thought you learned your lesson back in season 7," snickered Bdubs. The builder saw Scar shudder, the terraformer was probably remembering the death loop he had been forced into by Bdubs and Grian when he hadn't been paying attention to where he was flying.

"I'm still scarred for life by those mohawk wearing pigs." Impulse and Bdubs laughed harder.

"It's fine Scar, I'll replace the armor and maybe throw in some totems of undying again-"

"Thank you!"

"But it'll cost you more than last time." Scar's wide smile instantly dropped and he went back to mopping. Bdubs instinctively looked up at the sky, it was a pale orange as the sun was setting.

"Just a second," he told his friends, "Gotta shreep." Bdubs quickly brought out his bed but before he could skip the night Scar broke it.


"It wasn't me!" Exclaimed Scar.

"It was the man in the chicken costume!" Added Impulse. Bdubs rolled his eyes and tried again. This time Impulse broke the bed.

"Very freaking funny," said Bdubs, his voice rising in exasperation, "Now stop breaking my freaking bed!" He tried for a third time, he didn't see who broke the bed but it didn't matter, he was about ready to murder both of them.

"Stop breaking my bed! Just let me sleep!" He shouted. Impulse and Scar froze, realizing that they had crossed a line. They both just stood there while Bdubs finally skipped the night.

"Sorry," said Impulse.

"Yeah, we were just trying to have fun," added Scar.

"Well I certainly wasn't having any." Bdubs quickly broke the bed, shoving it into his inventory before storming off, eventually Bdubs reached his diorite tower. He ignored the "why?" Sign from Iskall and stormed up to his library. He sat down and pulled out a book to read by candle light.

415 words, again, I am questioning why I wrote this-

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