Dragons(Skyrim AU part 1)

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Skyrim is a RPG video game by Bethesda and is apart of the Elder Scrolls series. This is an AU throwing the hermits into that world.

Grian lazily layed on the bench, Ren sat next to him plucking the strings of his lute. The innkeeper was wiping down the counter while talking to a traveler who was checking in.

"So... where should we go next? The traffic here in Whiterun is dying down," said Ren, the two traveled together throughout Skyrim, Grian picking up small jobs like helping out farmers or helping innkeepers clean while Ren, who was a bard, would play at the local inn.

"I don't know," sighed Grian, he tried to recall a map of the country, "maybe Rorikstead?"

"Maybe, we haven't gone to Solitude in quite some time either," commented Ren, "Though I'd rather not play for the Imperials."

"Come on, the Imperials aren't that bad," said Grian.

"Not that bad? They outlawed the worship of Talos!"

"So? The Stormcloaks think Skyrim belongs to the Nords."

"Maybe it does." Grian stared at Ren.

"How can you say that? I'm a Breton," Ren avoided the dirty blond's gaze, "You've been to Windhelm, haven't you seen how they treat the Dark Elves? Plus they don't even let Argonians inside the city!" Ren continued to stay silent, the two typically got along pretty well but when it came to the civil war happening in Skyrim it would typically end with both of their feelings hurt. Suddenly the building shook and there were shouts coming from outside. The two looked at each other, their argument temporarily forgotten.

The two stepped outside in time to see a giant dragon fly over Whiterun. The guards were running after the dragon and out of the city. The towns folks were shouting and Grian stood in shock, he glanced over at his friend who was nervously looking at where Jorrvaskr was.

"I thought dragons were legends!" Exclaimed Grian, "Or at the very least long gone."

"Well that's very clearly false." Grian saw a townsfolk pull a sword out of it's sheath and run to go help the guards. Grian glanced at the stand selling weapons next to him he grabbed a steel sword and tossed a few septims behind him as he raced towards the entrance of the city.

"Where are you going?!" Shouted Ren, concerned for his friend.

"To help the guards!" And with that the dirty blond was out of sight. Ren picked up where the septims and fallen on the floor and placed it on the stand.

"You're buddy is 10 septims short for that sword," grumbled the person running the stand. Ren sighed and handed them a handful of coins before running after Grian. He managed to catch up to the guards but stayed a safe distance away. He would watch from a distance and would only engage in combat if things got nasty. He reached his hand into his pocket and pulled out a silver ring with a wolf's head engraved into it, Hircine's ring. He was willing to risk his secret, and his life, for his friend.

Suddenly there was a victorious shout. Ren looked up, and saw the crowd celebrating over the defeat of the dragon. He slipped the ring back into his pocket, about to run up to Grian and scold him for running off but froze when he saw some of the people in the crowd.

He recognized a couple members of the Companions. If this event had happened four years ago he would be up there celebrating with the rest of the Circle but he had left them, declaring that they were too soft and ran away in the middle of the night. One of the members, Keralis, looked in his direction and stopped. The two locked eyes for a moment before Ren turned around to leave. He missed his friend, he also missed Doc and False, but that was in the past. He belonged to a new guild, He had Wels and Xae and Hels. He stopped in his tracks when he heard a scream whipping around he saw as the crowd parted, Grian in the center. The dragon's scales started to glow and evaporate into a mist, the strange mist like magic surrounding Grian. Ren didn't know what was going on but he forgot about his rivalry with the Companions and bolted for his friend.

This won't be a series of one shots, but more of some drabbles for the same au. So next should I touch more on the Companions and the Dark Brotherhood or Winterhold collage?

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