King of New York (Songfic Rewrite)

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Me: *glances at the old version*
Me: this was written terribly, let me rewrite this-
Hope it's better than the last :)

Xisuma watched as the newsies crowded around the table, scrambling to find their face in the pape. They pointed out their faces, temporarily forgetting about their injuries and what had happened earlier, all they cared about in the moment was the fact that they were in the paper and that they were famous.

"So, how much does being famous pay for?" Grian asked.

"You don't need money when you're famous?" Exclaimed Ren grabbing the pape, "they gives you whatever you want!"

"Such as...?" Grian asked curiously.

"A pair of new shoes with matching laces," said Ren.

"A permanent box at the sheepshead races," said Zed dreamily.

"Pastrami on rye with a sour pickle," added Joe.

"My personal puss on a wooden nickel!" Shouted Hels.

"Look at me, I'm the king of Aque Town," said Ren standing up on the table, "Suddenly, I'm respectable, staring right at ya, lousy with stature."

"Nobody with all the muckity-mucks, I'm blowing my dough deluxe," said Grian, joining Ren on the table. The two held hands as they continued, the rest of the newsies grinned, some standing up on chairs and others just on the ground. Xisuma nervously watched them, scared about getting kicked out.

"And there I be! Ain't it pretty," cheered Ren.

"It's my city, I'm the king of Aque Town," the two said in unison, both of them were grinning from ear to ear.

"A solid gold watch with a chain to twirl it," Impulse commented.

"My very own bed and an indoor terlet," sighed Iskall. Xisuma chuckled at the ten year old's pronunciation.

"A barbershop haircut that costs a quarter," Zed added.

"A regular beat for the star reporter!" Exclaimed Mumbo motioning towards Xisuma. Mumbo had previously been attempting to avoid the chaotic newsies by standing off to the side but had given up and joined them, mostly to try and stop Iskall from climbing on the furniture. He smiled before glancing at Mr. Crafted who was serving a customer. Mr. Crafted glared at the group, clearly unhappy with a bunch of newsies and a reporter climbing on the tables and making a racket.

"Am-scary, punk, he's the king of Aque Town," cheered Ren. The newsies started cheering about Xisuma and next thing he knew he was in the center of a large crowd of newsies.

"Who'd'a thunk, I'm the king of Aque Town," Xisuma grinned, momentarily forgetting about Mr. Crafted and the very real possibility of being kicked out.

"We was sunk, pale and pitiful," said Grian.

"Void's poodles," added Impulse

"Almost about to drown in the drink," stated Iskall climbing up on the table, earning him disapproving glares from both Mumbo and Mr. Crafted.

"When he fished us out," Wels pointed at X.

"And drowned us in ink!" Cheered Joe.

"So let's get drunk!" Shouted Xisuma, then he got extremely worried as the newsies cheered, "not with liquor, fame works quicker when you're king of Aque Town," he added. A couple of the newsies(mainly Hels) grumbled at this.

"I gotta be either dead or dreaming," sighed Zed.

"'Cause look at that pape with my face beaming," Ren continued.

"Tomorrow they may wrap fishes in it-" pointed out Mumbo who had been trying to get Iskall off of the table.

"But I was a star for one whole minute!" Interrupted Hels.

"Look at me, I'm the king of Aque Town!" Cheered the crowd.

"Wait and see, this is gonna make both Delancey's pee in their pant-sides!" Shouted Hels.

"Flashpots are shooting bright as the sun," grinned Zedaph.

"I'm one highfalutin' son of a gun!" Shouted Grian.

"I guarantee-"

"Though I crapped out, I ain't tapped out!" Ren interrupted Wels with a grin.

"I'm king of Aque-" stared Joe before being interrupted by Impulse.

"Friends may flee!"

"Let 'em ditch 'ya, snap one pit'cha," cheered Hels.

"You're the king of Aque-" Joe tried once again before being interrupted like the first time, this time by Iskall.


"Front page story!" shouted Ren.

"Guts and glory," Grian added.

"I'm the king of Aque Town!" Finished Joe. At that moment Xisuma really did feel like the king of Aque Town. If only the newsies knew his secret.

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