Car Rides(xBralis)

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Hypno grinned, he was having a war with xB in the gift shop of a museum he had gone to with xB and Keralis. Hypno's toy sword hit xB's arm.

"Ha! I cut your arm off!" He shouted.

"Noooooooo!" Screeched xB as he fell to the floor, clutching his intact arm. Hypno laughed as he saw the strange looks the two were getting. He glanced at xB who was busy laughing on the floor. xB opened his eyes to see Hypno staring, "Don't you have something better to do than stare at me, you're acting like a....a creepy person." Hypno let out an over dramatic gasp.

"How dare you call me a creepy person!" Once Hypno had finished his sentence he offered xB a hand. xB took it and stood up, he brushed any dust and dirt off himself and then promptly lunged at Hypno. Pretty soon the two of them were tussling around on the floor.

"You two know you're gonna get us kicked out right?" Asked Keralis who was standing to the side. Hypno and xB stopped fighting and looked up at him with grins on their faces.

"Yep," they said in unison.
Once the trio had been kicked out of the museum they had piled into Hypno's car to head home. Hypno was driving, the bag with the junk they had bought from the gift store was sitting in the passenger side. Keralis and xB were sitting in the back. xB had fallen asleep almost immediately while Keralis was sitting staring out at the landscape passing by. It was just fields of crops. It wasn't flat though, instead it was small hills going up and down, quite soothing actually. Eventually Keralis fell asleep as the sun set in the distance. As the stars came out Hypno glanced in the rearview mirror and watched as xB's head rested on Keralis' shoulder as the two slept. He grinned if he hadn't been driving he would have taken out his phone and taken a picture to show the two later.
When he pulled into the driveway of xB's house he turned around and watched as xB slowly awoke. The American drously lifted his head and looked at Hypno before registering the fact that he had been sleeping with his head on Keralis' shoulder. He turned bright red and practically lunged for the car door. xB opened the car door and stepped outside. The sudden movement awoke Keralis, while the events unfolded Hypno snickered.

"How'd you enjoy the car ride?" He asked with a grin. xB rolled his eyes and smiled at his friend.

"It was fine...I guess."

This is so freaking short-

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