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I absolutely loved writing this- despite the fact that that Keralis is ooc-

xB's last memories where the screech of brakes before everything went black. He couldn't have been much older than 11 at the time. Now he wasn't even quite sure how much time had passed, all he knew is he was somewhere between 19-99. xB he had been stuck as a ghost, no one could see him, the first few years he had spent trying to communicate but after a while he gave up. There was no point, he didn't know anyone anyways.

He was stuck in the attic of some house that had been near the accident. Ghosts couldn't just wander around free, they were attached to a house, sometimes if they were as unlucky as xB they could be stuck in one specific room, in his case he was stuck in the attic. He had a spot by the window, an old dusty rug and couch and a small bookshelf full of books. He could interact with objects but the living would never see the interaction, he could pick up a book but it would just appear to stay still to people.

Late one afternoon, xB was sitting on the old couch re-reading one of the books when. He heard footsteps. He assumed someone had finally bought the old house, the person was probably just gonna drop off some rat poison and leave. The living seem to fear attics after all. Instead he saw a man with short brown hair and abnormally large eyes magnified with glasses. He wore a gray baseball cap and a light blue shirt with jeans.

"Hey Bubbles! This place actually has a pretty nice attic!" The man had an accent xB couldn't recognize off the top of his head. He looked back down at his book, it was just another human, he'll be gone in a year. Thought the American.

"I'll come later, I'm busy trying to move stuff in here, why don't you come down here and help?!" Exclaimed a voice from down stairs, the human that was down stairs didn't seem to have much patience.

"In a second." The man continued to look around the place until he stopped when his eyes landed on xB, "uh...Bubbles, I think you should see this." xB froze, the man was staring directly at him.

"I'm busy trying to carry a FREAKING COUCH- into the house ALL BY MYSELF!" Shouted the voice from down stairs. The man in front of xB sighed and turned to him. He opened his mouth to say something but xB interrupted him.

"How can you see me?" He asked.

"See you? You're just sitting in Bubbles' new attic..." xB realized that he must not appear too transparent while sitting so he stood up and walked over to the man.

"I'm not exactly, how do I say this, um...'alive' that's why," xB fumbled over his words, it wasn't exactly easy to say 'I'm a ghost'. The man's mouth dropped open.

"Oh my gosh, did... Did you die here?"

"No, I was in a car crash when I was about 11, here just so happens to be the closest place and when you're a ghost your soul attaches to a building, so this place is technically haunted."

"How old are you now?" Asked the man. xB shrugged.

"I stopped keeping track of years around my 19th birthday." The room was awkwardly silent for a while until the man spoke again.

"My name's Keralis, what's your name, Princess?" xB didn't know why Keralis called him that, but he liked it.

"xB," Keralis held his hand out for xB to shake. The ghost stared at it for a moment, unsure if it would work. He tried anyway, so the atmosphere became even more awkward when his hand passed through Keralis'. Suddenly there was a loud crash.

"Keralis! I need help!" Called the voice from down stairs, "now get down here!" Keralis let out a chuckle.

"See you later, sweet face," and then he left. xB was alone again, but he felt different, some part of him couldn't wait till he saw Keralis again.

Poor Bdubs being forced to carry a couch by himself-

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