The Night Sky(Skyrim AU part 3)

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Accourding to Elder Scrolls lore if people of two different races(i.e. a Dark Elf and a Breton) have a child the kid will be the same race as their mom. This is why Zedaph is half Khajiit and half Nord.

Tango watched from his tent outside of Whiterun as travelers passed in and out of the city. Most of them ignored the small Khajiit caravan. Some gave them disgusted looks, which confused Tango. The rarest reaction was for the travelers to talk to Tango's family, most of the time they were just interested in trading though. Tango would stay behind in the tents. He was the only child in his caravan and his parents had died a long time ago. He watched as a Nord woman and her son walked past. He perked up, hoping the woman would stop, that he could play with the kid. He had no luck; instead she saw the Khajiits and pulled her son closer, and they walked away faster. Leaving eight year old Tango confused.
Tango sat outside his tent outside of Rorikstead. He stared at the night sky, the stars shined brightly and the moons were at their highest peak. The fire crackled as he sat in silence. A half and hour later Impulse poked his head out of the tent he shared with Tango and Zedaph.

"Tango? What are you doing up at this hour?" asked Impulse.

"Nothing, Tango's just bored," replied the Khajiit.

"It's midnight, and we're back to traveling tomorrow, you should get some sleep."

"Tango knows, it's just..." Tango trailed off. He looked up at Impulse, the light brown Khajiit wore a black shirt and gray pants.

"Just what?"

"Do you ever want a life where the Khajiits are treated like the Nords, allowed in cities, not treated like thieves."

"Zedaph is allowed inside of Falkreath," pointed out Impulse.

"He was raised by Nords, his mom was Khajiit and his dad was a Nord, it's not the same, the Khajiits are just as human as the Nords, and yet we're not allowed anywhere." Tango remembered when he was little and he wondered why people always acted weird, it hadn't been until he met Zedaph that he truly realized just how terribly the Khajiits were treated.

"Come on," sighed Impulse, "You should try to get a couple hours of sleep."

"Tango guesses you're right." the Khajiit followed his friend back into the makeshift tent.
Part 4 will also becoming out today as it is fairly short.

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