Chapter 3 - An Unexpected Rescue Mission

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Doc's POV

I stare out at the water, at the exact place where Grian just disappeared. The heavy rain and screams from the Hermits are just white noise as I try to wake up and know this is all a horrible nightmare.

Then, without doing or saying anything else, I quietly turn around and head back onto the ship. I want to get away from here. Grian just died and I never want to see this stupid place again.

The others run after me, still yelling things I can't hear. Some are on the verge of tears, and to be honest, so am I. So I sit down, try to regain my breath and pray this wasn't real. Pray that if I close my eyes and open them I'll still be standing on the beach next to Grian without a storm cloud in sight.

But when someone hits me across the face about 15 minutes later, I find it a little hard to do that.

Hels is livid, furious tears streaming down his cheeks.

"YOU IDIOT!" He yells at me, trying to punch me again. "I COULD HAVE SAVED HIM!"

"No you couldn't have!" I snap. "There was no saving Grian, I didn't want to lose two of you in one day!"

"I could if you let me! Now he's dead because you didn't!"

"Then tell me!" I demand. "How could you have rescued him in a storm like that?!"



Impulse's voice cuts Hels off, and he points at the beach. I yet again think this is all a crazy dream, because lying there is Grian. But I don't have the time to question how real this is, because if there's any chance he's still alive I'm not risking it.

I run as fast as I can to Gri, hoping he isn't dead. When I see the slow rise and fall of his chest, I fall to my knees beside him and pull him up into my arms.

"Grian! Grian you're ok!"

The others are here within seconds, crowding around him and hugging him tightly. His eyes are open, and he coughs a little seawater up before closing them again. I don't see any injuries, but I bring him back to the ship to check.

As I lie him down on the bed, Impulse examining him for any cuts or bruises, Grian says something.

"There... there was someone there... where did he go?"

"Who?" False asks, giving me a concerned look. I simply shrug, mouthing 'concussion' to her.

"A person... they had brown hair and green eyes... I think they saved me..."

"A mermaid, huh?" I joke, gently ruffling his wet hair.

"Nah... mermaids aren't real..." He mumbles, before passing out again. Impulse gives me a thumbs up to say he's alright, and I nod. Then I glance over at Hels, who's sitting in the corner with his knees pulled up to his chest.

"You alright?" I ask him.

"I- I'm sorry." He tells me, quickly wiping any remaining tears away.

"You were upset, I get it, so was I. We were incredibly lucky that Grian wasn't killed today, but I couldn't risk letting you go out there too, you understand?"

Hels looks like he's about to say something else, but holds his tongue and nods silently.

"You punch hard, by the way." I tell him, before standing up and leaving. We came far too close to death today, and I'm not letting it happen again.

Scar's POV

It's been about an hour, and I'm still thinking about the human on the ship. Still convincing myself that I only found him interesting. Ezra certainly isn't convinced, but he's sworn not to tell anyone we went up there.

Xisuma's still asleep, and the others are eating. I told them to go ahead without me, mostly because I need some space to try and get that blonde out of my head. There's a storm overhead, maybe I can think about that instead.

And thinking about the storm works pretty well, until there's a splash in the distance and something is thrown into the water. It's red, so I assume it's blood of some sorts for a second, until I see it move and struggle underwater, and see that it's a person.

Specifically, and coincidentally enough, that blonde from earlier.

I get that weird feeling again, and I watch him for a moment. His body goes limp, and I see a small stream of bubbles flow from his mouth. Then my eyes widen in shock as I realize that he's dying.

Without even thinking, I swim as fast as I can to his body in the water. He's unconscious, and can't breathe under here. Pulling him up above the water, I'm immediately slammed backwards by strong waves. But I swim as fast as I can against them, so determined to save this stranger's life that I don't even question why I'm doing it.

The strong storms like this usually don't last long, but it still takes me a long time to get to the beach. By the time I do, the clouds have passed, the rain has stopped, and it's like it never even happened.

I look down at the human. He's breathing, albeit a little shakily, but he's alive. Exhausted from my efforts to save him, I fall down onto the sand beside him, tempted to pass out there and then.

"Scar you absolute idiot." I mumble to myself. "You've just gone and saved a human from drowning."

I don't even know what came over me. I saw him in danger, I went to rescue him without thinking. As much as I'd feel guilty if he had died, I can't understand why I risked being in so much trouble just to help a stranger.

I was right about the strongest storms always being the shortest. The sun is poking out between the clouds now, and everything seems so peaceful and quiet. I'm about to leave before anyone sees me, but I see the blonde's eyes start to open.

He blinks a few times, staring at my face. He tries to talk, but I quickly interrupt.

"I-it's ok now! You're safe!" I tell him, before heading back into the water.

Then I hide behind a rock as I hear people yelling 'GRIAN! GRIAN YOU' RE OK!", and watch as his friends run up to him. Grian. That must be his name.

One of them picks him up as he coughs a bit of water up, and the other humans hug him and make sure he's alright. Then the one holding him stands up, and brings him back to the ship.

I smile again, feeling my cheeks go a bit red. I know what I've done will land me in deep, deep trouble if anyone finds out, but I don't think I need to worry about that yet. 

I'm bored as heck at the moment, so I might update again later today, or I might not. Either way, I hope you're enjoying the story, now that Grian's (kinda) met Scar it's gonna start getting more interesting.

- Xan

Two Different Worlds (Re-Write) - A Hermitcraft Mermaid AUWhere stories live. Discover now