Chapter 25 - A New Life

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Scar leaned against the railing of the ship, eyes closed as he listened to the waves crash against it. The smell of salt that hung in the air wasn't an unfamiliar one, but he still loved it. He loved all of this.

Feeling Grian's arms hug around his waist, Scar turned with a smile.

"I didn't hear you behind me."

"I'm not surprised." Grian responded, voice slightly muffled as he buried his face in Scar's shirt. "You've had your head in the clouds all morning."

"I've just been... thinking." Scar shrugged.

"Yeah?" Gri prompted. 

Scar was quiet for a moment.

"If you told me 5 years ago that I'd save a pirate's life and fall in love with him, I don't think I would have believed you." He admitted.

"Has it really been that long?" Grian laughed.

"Mmm-hmm." Scar hummed, playing with the ring on his finger. "And if you told me that he'd be my husband some day... I'd definitely think you were mad."

He couldn't stop himself from grinning, taking Gri's hands in his.

"Yet here I am, 5 years after we met, married to a man I thought would never love me back." Scar sighed. "It really is amazing how I get myself into these situations."

"Tell me about it." Grian teased. "I still can't believe that I proposed to a fish."

Scar gasped with mock offence, making his husband laugh.

"And I can't believe that I accepted a ring from some pirate scoundrel." He replied.

"Oh come on, you've spent 4 years on this ship." Grian pointed out. "At this stage, you're practically a pirate too."

"Point made." Scar shrugged, before leaning down to kiss his husband. Gri rolled his eyes at Scar's stupid flirting, but happily accepted the kiss anyway.

"I'm never  gonna get used to that." A someone sighed from behind them. Grian pulled out of the embrace, sticking his tongue out at BDubs

"Get over it, we're married." He pointed out.

"And to this day, I still wonder how Xisuma let it happen." BDubs replied sarcastically.

"No regrets." Scar shrugged. "And besides, don't you have a boyfriend to obsess over?"

"I'm not obsessed!" BDubs insisted. "Doc just seems to like my attention."

"And you seem to love giving it to him." 

Scar watched as his friend's face turned bright red, (whether it was with embarrassment or anger, he wasn't sure) and wasted no time in grabbing Grian in his arms and running away. His husband's eyes widened in concern as they neared the edge of the ship.

"Scar, what are you doing? Scar- Scar no, no no no no NOO-"

Grian screamed as they jumped off the boat, landing in the water with a large splash. Scar kept his arms wrapped tightly around his husband's waist, pulling him up to the surface and laughing as he did so.

"You need to stop doing that!" Gri insisted. "Look what you've done to your clothes!"

He grabbed his husband's shirt, undoing the buttons and pulling it off of him before the salt water could ruin it. Scar couldn't help but smirk.

"I wish you did that more often." He remarked, making Gri blush harder than Scar had seen him do so in a while.

"Scar! Oh goodness... Why did I decide to teach you about these things?" He mumbled under his breath. "I think I liked you much more when you were innocent."

Two Different Worlds (Re-Write) - A Hermitcraft Mermaid AUWhere stories live. Discover now