Chapter 7 - Secrets

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Scar's POV

"Scar... we need to talk about what just happened."

I turn around when I hear the seriousness in BDubs's voice, knowing I can't avoid this for long.

"This whole thing was a bit unexpected BDubs, I didn't mean for it to-"

"How long were you gonna lie to me about it?

I can see how hurt he looks, and it makes me feel guiltier than I have in a long time. I sigh, trying to choose the right words, before looking back up at him.

"I don't know... all of this came out of nowhere, I didn't really know what to do and..."

I trail off, running out of things to say.

"Grian seems like a really nice person... you're lucky he didn't hurt you."

"I know, if you think I should stop being friends with him I-"

"I don't." BDubs admits. "I think something good might come out of this... and maybe we can stop living in constant fear of pirates if it works."

Not the answer I was expecting, but I let him continue.

"Maybe if we can trust Grian and you guys can be friends... maybe we can convince Xisuma that they aren't bad."

He notices my concern when he mentions Xisuma, and sighs.

"I'm... I'm not gonna tell X. For now."

I have to admit, his words give me a lot of relief. I love Xisuma, but he can be scary as heck when he thinks we might be in danger. If we told him now, this little plan wouldn't work at all.

"It can be our secret." I tell BDubs.

"Our secret." He agrees.

"What's a secret?!"

Ezra's voice scares the crap out of the two of us, and I turn around to see my other best friend. He's grinning, almost innocently, not aware of how terrifying that was.

"Jeez Ezra, you sound way too much like your brother..." I admit, trying to regain my breath.

"Oooh, are we talking about things Xisuma isn't supposed to know?" He asks, eyes lighting up at the idea of knowing something his twin doesn't.

"No! Well... yes, but there isn't a 'we' in this conversation!" BDubs replies. "So we're just gonna patiently wait here for you to leave so that we can continue."

Ezra doesn't budge.

"Is this about that human you saw?" He asks me.

"Human?' BDubs repeats, turning to me. "Does he mean Grian?"

"BDUBS!" I snap. "You can't just-"

"HIS NAME'S GRIAN?! YOU SPOKE TO HIM?!" Ezra gasps, getting extremely excited now. We might as well just explain it all to him, or he'll bother us until we do.

"Yes, I spoke to him... he fell off of his ship during the storm and almost drowned, so I rescued him. Now we're... friends? I guess?"

"Aww, how romantic! You saved his life!" Our friend teases, a stupid smile on his face. My own face goes red, and I scoff.

"It's not romantic! I literally just said that we're friends!" I insist.

"Mm-Hmm, ok. Whatever you say Scar." He snickers.

"Look, it doesn't matter." BDubs tells Ezra. "The important thing is, Xisuma can't know about ANY of this."

"What can I not know?"

Two Different Worlds (Re-Write) - A Hermitcraft Mermaid AUWhere stories live. Discover now