Chapter 13 - More Serious than Anticipated

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TW: There will be a part mentioning things like death and torture (tragic backstories go brr-) but I'll section that bit off so that you won't have to read it if you don't want to.

Grian lay with his head in Scar's lap, the two staring at the stars and trying to find patterns. Well, Grian was trying to find the patterns. Scar was too busy playing with the blonde's hair.

It had been a few days since they admitted their feelings for each other, and oddly enough they hadn't spoken about it since. Both seemed pretty happy with where they were, and neither really felt the need to talk or figure things out.

"What are you staring at?" Grian asked, nudging Scar a little.

"You." The merman admitted. It was significantly easier to be honest to Gri when he didn't need to worry about exposing his crush. "I love your eyes."

"I love you." The blonde replied with a smile, and Scar's eyes widened in surprise. They'd never actually said that to each other before... he kind of liked it.

Grian unfortunately mistook Scar's surprise as a bad thing, and frowned.

"I'm sorry... if you aren't ok with me saying that I'll-"

"No, that's not it!" The brunette interrupted, before leaning down and kissing Gri's forehead. "It's ok... I love you too."

Telling him that felt just as good as being told it himself. What felt a lot better, however, was when Grian leaned up towards Scar and returned his forehead kiss... on the lips.

The kiss was brief, too brief, but the merman smiled at his boyfriend (were they boyfriends? He was going to assume so) when they pulled away from each other.

"I've kind of wanted to do that for a while." The blonde admitted.

"Me too." Scar laughed, leaning down to kiss him again. The feeling was addictive, he wanted to make sure Gri knew exactly how much he adored him and would kiss him forever until he did.

"Still need to get used to it though." Grian shrugged when they pulled away again.

"I can help with that." His boyfriend teased, cheekily leaning in for another kiss. But the other pushed him away this time, laughing too.

"Come on, we can't stay here all night. I have work to do tomorrow, you probably have lots to do as well, and both of us have overprotective friends that'll wonder where we are."

"But-" Scar protested, before getting cut off again.

"No, we both need to go. I don't want to leave either, but I'll see you again tomorrow night... or maybe during the day if you'll miss me that much."

"Fiiine." The merman sighed, standing up and walking back towards the water.

"Hold on."

He turned back around briefly, to see Grian smiling at him.

"I want one more." The blonde decided, standing on his toes to give Scar one last little kiss. The brunette felt stupid, seeing as he was smiling so much, and probably looked stupid too. Not that he cared. If Grian was kissing him, why would it matter?

"Uh... bye!" Scar blurted, realizing he was still standing there like a fool. He turned around, ran towards the dock, jumped into the water, and almost hit his head against a rock in his embarrassed panic.

He'd never get over Grian kissing him, would he?

BDdubs frowned, waving his hand in front of Scar's face with a very annoyed expression on his face.

Two Different Worlds (Re-Write) - A Hermitcraft Mermaid AUWhere stories live. Discover now