Chapter 24 - We Got There in the End

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The second crew left a few days later, promising to come back if they ever needed assistance. And finally, for what might have been the first time since they met each other, Grian and Scar had peace.

The weeks went by pretty quickly after that, and they spent every day together as the settlement Doc's crew were building came along brilliantly. Soon enough, it would be a safe place for them to stay when they weren't sailing (that is, when they went back to sailing again)

But overall, everybody was happy, and new friendships (and potential relationships) were forming among the two groups.

"Do you guys think you're gonna be boyfriends forever?" BDubs asked one day, as the new friends all watched the sun go down together.

"I hope so." Grian admitted, glancing over at Scar with a smile.

"Just boyfriends?" Etho asked, confusing Scar a little.

"Why would we be anything else?" 

Etho simply shrugged.

"I mean, some people get married." 

Xisuma choked on the fish he was eating.

"What does 'married' mean?" Scar asked, his eyes lighting up. Grian went a little red, but laughed.

"Well, marrying someone means that you love them more than anyone else in the world, and that you want to spend the rest of your life with them."

"Like us!" Scar exclaimed innocently, Xisuma's eyes going wide with panic. Ezra burst out laughing at his twin's expression, as Scar frowned in confusion. "...What?"

"Dude, you need to stop before you give X a heart attack." Doc laughed.

"What?! Is marrying someone weird or something?" Scar asked, looking around the group for some kind of answer. 

"It's not weird, love, they are." Grian assured him, leaning over and kissing his cheek. "Don't worry about it."

"Why do Zed and Tango or Iskall and Mumbo never get these questions...?" Scar mumbled, resting his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. 

"Because you guys are cuter." Zed joked.

"And easier to tease." Iskall added.

"Excuse me Zeddie, we're adorable!" Tango protested. "And Mumbo can't go within 3 feet of Iskall without blushing. It's just more fun to mess with Scar and Grian."

"Leave us alone!" Scar laughed, before standing up and taking his boyfriend's hand. "Come on Grian, there's something I wanted to show you anyway."

Gri barely had time to respond before he was pulled away. Scar ran towards the rocks where they first met, and pointed at the water.

"It's down there." He explained. "Do you trust me?"

Grian felt himself blush as Scar discarded his shirt, but nodded.

"Alright." He agreed, leaving his shoes and sweater behind before taking his boyfriend's hand again. Scar smiled, leading Gri out into the water and keeping his arms wrapped closely around him. He got a little scared when he couldn't feel the sand beneath his feet anymore, but still knew that he was safe.

"You ready?" Scar asked, once they were far enough out. Grian took a few deep breaths, before nodding his head. "On 3, ok? 1, 2, 3."

Gri held his breath, shutting his eyes tight as he was fully submerged in the water. Even with his boyfriend's arms around his waist, it was a little scary.

"Open your eyes." Scar laughed, still able to talk and breathe normally. "I can't show you if you keep them closed."

So Grian opened his eyes. And he was glad he did too, because before them was a beautiful reef of multicoloured coral, almost like an underwater rainbow. For a moment Gri forgot where he was, and had already inhaled a mouthful of water by the time he remembered again.

"Oh my gosh Grian, are you OK?" Scar gasped, pulling his boyfriend above the water again. "I'm so sorry, I should have known better than to bring a human down-"

"Scar, it's alright." Grian said softly. "That was my fault. We can go back down again if you want, I'll just be more careful."

"Are you sure?"

"Very." He confirmed. "It's beautiful down there."

"Not as beautiful as you." Scar teased, pulling Gri back underwater before he could tell him to shut up. 

Xisuma was worried.

He was almost always worried about something, but this time was worse than usual. There's been a lot of talk recently about Doc's crew leaving soon, possibly for months on end. And, considering he couldn't stay away from Grian for more than a few days, Scar would inevitably want to go with them.

He'd been trying his best to let Scar go, and to accept that he didn't need to protect him anymore, but it was hard. And something about his innocent question earlier, the one about getting married, just made the realization hit X like a train. 

It only seemed like a few weeks ago that he'd found him at the bottom of a cliff, only a few days old and unable to survive alone. Now he was an adult, ready to give everything up to be with the man he loved... possibly hundreds of miles away.

Xisuma wasn't sure if it was his protective nature, his underlying fear of pirates or simply both, but he struggled to accept it. So when he saw Scar and Grian coming back from wherever they'd been, he decided that the best thing to do was to talk to them about it.

"Scar? Grian? Can I talk to you two...?"

Scar immediately spotted the concern on Xisuma's face, and stopped laughing at whatever his boyfriend had just said. Grian quickly noticed as well, and followed him across to where X was waiting.

"So I- I'm aware that there's been plans for... well they're not really plans, more of an inevitable... decision?"

Xisuma was clearly struggling to get his point across, and Scar could see that he was incredibly distressed and emotional about whatever he was trying to say.

"I know you two will want to... stay together." X continued. "So I- what I'm trying to say is- are... Are you going to leave with Grian?"

Scar seemed confused at first, but guilt quickly followed. He'd been thinking about the same thing, but wasn't sure how to tell Xisuma about it. 

"I don't know." He admitted. "I'd never want to leave you guys behind... but I'd miss Grian so badly..."

"What if... Uh... I could stay behind?" Grian offered. 

"By yourself? I wouldn't let you do that!" Scar insisted, shaking his head. "I'm sure there's something we can do to-"

The trio heard someone clear their throat, and turned around to see Doc standing behind them.

"Sorry to interrupt, but you do know that Scar's family can come with us, right?"

Scar and Grian turned to each other, and back to Doc again with mirrored expressions.

"Y-you're serious?" Grian gasped.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Doc shrugged. "We have the space, and we could use the extra help."

Then the captain turned to Xisuma with a smile. 

"Only if you want to, of course."

"So... I guess this means we can stay together?" Scar asked Grian, taking his boyfriend's hands in his. Gri beamed with happiness.

"I guess it does."

I struggled so much with the ending of this, hence the gap in updates, but it's here now! Unfortunately, this story is also coming to an end very soon, but don't worry! I have a new one planned that'll be out soon afterwards!

- Xan

Two Different Worlds (Re-Write) - A Hermitcraft Mermaid AUWhere stories live. Discover now