Chapter 14 - Siblings

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You'd think after years of catching fish, Scar would be somewhat good at it.

Well, he'd like to think that he was, and that the only reason he wasn't doing a good job at it was because Wels was laughing at him.

"Oh come on, I'd like to see you do better!" Scar yelled, chasing the fish around the rock in circles. "It won't... stop... moving!"

He stopped in his tracks when Wels suddenly appeared in front of him, single-handedly catching the little fish. He grinned with slightly sharp teeth, before playfully ruffling Scar's hair.

"You were saying?"

"Ugh, just give it to me-" He huffed, trying to grab his food back. Wels obviously wasn't going to let that happen, not without teasing him a little first, and immediately took off in the other direction. "Hey, get back here!"

Wels swam slower than usual, knowing his friend was tired, but still kept a good pace to stay in front of him as the two ducked and weaved between bright pieces of coral.

Even if he wasn't a child anymore, Scar was like a younger brother to Wels. And obviously, he still loved to play with him from time to time.

When he heard the tired sigh of defeat, the blonde merman stopped and turned around. As fun as it was messing with him, he never wanted to upset his friend. Being like an older brother to Scar also meant acting like one too.

"Sorry... I didn't go too hard on you, did I?" Wels asked, sitting next to his friend. Scar shook his head, smiling a bit.

"No, just gimme the fish." He replied, biting into his food almost as soon as it was handed to him. Like most of what he caught, it wasn't very big or impressive, but he didn't have the energy to find anything else.

As per usual, Scar's thoughts drifted to Grian. He wondered how he would catch fish, seeing as he and his friends would need a lot of it to keep themselves fed. He'd seen big nets on their ship once or twice, but hasn't asked his boyfriend about them.

Wels followed his friend's gaze up towards the ship, and nudged his friend in the arm.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Grian." Scar admitted, without really thinking, but went pink in the cheeks when he realised it. "I mean... I'm just wondering what-"

"It's alright." Wels interrupted. "I can't speak from experience... but I get it."

He found it so weird to think that Scar was already in a relationship with someone. Sure, he always saw Zed and Tango coming, but Scar? It really put into perspective that his friend wasn't an innocent 11 year old anymore, and Wels understood why Xisuma had some trouble trying to accept that.

Maybe it was because Wels hadn't even met Grian yet, and Scar didn't seem too keen to talk about him either. Sure, it was a bit of a red flag, especially considering that Scar could be a little... naïve at times, but Wels was certain it was just his bias against purebloods.

Was Grian even a pureblood? He'd assumed so, but again, Scar would never talk about his new boyfriend. For all Wels knew, Grian could be half-human too. Not that the odds were high, their little friend group were the only ones around for miles.

"Scar? Do you mind if I ask you about Grian?"

He wasn't gonna learn anything if he didn't ask. There was no harm in doing so anyway.

"Uh... sure?" Scar shrugged. "Anything in particular?"

"Is he half-human too?" Wels questioned.

"I actually don't know." Scar admitted. "Probably not? I feel like he would have told me by now I'd he was."

Two Different Worlds (Re-Write) - A Hermitcraft Mermaid AUWhere stories live. Discover now