Chapter 20 - His Worst Fear

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TW: Talking about kidnapping, mentions of violence

Xisuma still felt guilty as he tried to find Grian again, telling himself over and over that it was his fault Scar got caught. And now, if he didn't make things right in time, he might never see his friend again.

Thankfully, Grian was still in the same place, frozen in shock as he tried to comprehend what happened. It had only been moments ago that Xisuma pulled Scar out of his arms and ruined everything, even if it felt like hours ago.

Gri gasped as soon as he saw X, but the surprise on his face quickly turned to anger.

"What did you do to Scar?!" He demanded, ready to confront the merman despite being barely half his height.

"I made a mistake!" Xisuma blurted, throwing his hands up in the air before one of Grian's could punch him. "You're Grian, aren't you?"

The blonde pulled his arm back, frowning suspiciously. Despite this, he nodded.

"Well, I'm Scar's friend. I want to apologise for what happened earlier. I thought you were trying to kidnap him and I overreacted, but then things went really badly and he actually... did get kidnapped."

"Wait, by who?"

Xisuma pointed out at the other ship, which was already heading off into the distance.

"They just grabbed him out of nowhere! I tried to stop them but..."

He trailed off, not wanting to cry in front of someone he just met, before shaking his head and continuing again.

"My brother said to find you and tell you what happened, and that maybe you could help us. If you can forgive me, that is."

Grian still looked like he was trying to understand everything, but had a determined look on his face.

"If Scar's in danger, I can forget that awkward little meeting we just had. A friend of his is a friend of mine, I promise."

He smiled, holding out his hand as a sign of peace, and any doubts X could have about him vanished on the spot as he smiled back. He could see why Scar had fallen for someone like this, a person who loved him just as much as he loved them.

"Uh... Grian? Who's this?"

Xisuma and Grian looked over to see 8 people watching them. X's eyes widened in panic, and he was almost ready to disappear when his own friends popped up beside him.

"X? You never said there'd be anyone else." Stress pointed out, as the two groups stared at each other. It was silent for a few moments, a lot of the pirates seeming shocked that merpeople actually existed... despite the amount they teased Grian for it.

Then Grian sighed, glancing between the two groups,

"I think I should explain." He admitted. "A few months ago, I met someone called Scar. He was the sweetest, kindest person I'd ever met, and it wasn't long before we started liking each other... a lot."

Ezra turned to his friends, and continued.

"But Scar wasn't like Grian and Grian wasn't like Scar, so were afraid to tell us about each other, because they thought we'd hate them for being different." He sighed. "I don't think they meant for it to come out this way, but now our Scar is in danger... and we were hoping you could help us."

Doc took a few moments to think, looking completely lost for words, but turned to Gri.

"So... so you have a boyfriend?"

Two Different Worlds (Re-Write) - A Hermitcraft Mermaid AUWhere stories live. Discover now