Chapter 10 - More Than Friends?

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Scar's POV

"Aaaannd... there!"

I frown as I watch the pieces of wood burst into flames, unsure of how this is gonna help us eat fish.

"Ok...? Can we eat the food now?" I ask, slowly picking one of the cod up and lifting it towards my mouth. I spent ages catching these for us, I don't want to waste them.

"No no no! Not yet!" Grian insists, grabbing the fish from me and pulling out a knife. I watch as he makes quick work of the scales, before sticking a sharp stick through what's left and holding it over the fire.

"Hey! Why are you burning my fish?!" I gasp, trying to grab it back.

"I'm cooking it!" The blonde explains, pushing me away before I can. "Humans can't eat raw fish, and trust me, it tastes better!"

The cod turns from light pink to white, and he pulls it back off the stick.

"See? Better!"

"What do you mean? All you did was-"

"Just shut up and eat it!" My friend laughs, shoving the 'cooked' fish in my mouth before I can keep talking. It's really hot, and burns my tongue a little, but once I get past that I realise that he's right.

"Oh my gosh that is better!" I gasp, grabbing more and eating that too. "How did you do that?"

"I don't know how it works exactly." Grian tells me, eating some too. "But it's definitely an improvement from raw cod."

"It's better without the scales too." I admit, mouth full.

"Wait, you actually eat those?"

"Yeah! You don't...?"

Gri stares at me for a second, before giggling.

"You're funny Scar... I like it." He sighs, smiling at me as he starts cooking the next fish. It disappears just as quickly as the first, but at least I let it cool down this time.

And then I lie back, stretching my tail out into the water so it won't get uncomfortable, and the two of us talk until the fire dies out and the only light left is the moon. I run out of things to say eventually, and we just lie down staring at the stars until I feel awkward.

"...It's cold." I admit, not sure what else to talk about. Grian glances over at me, before scooting a little closer and resting his head on my shoulder. He can't see me blushing in the dark, but I still feel a little embarrassed when my face goes red.

"That better?" My friend asks. I smile, nodding and moving a little closer too.

"I'm glad I met you, Scar." Gri tells me, tracing little circles on my chest with his finger. "I haven't ever had a friend like you... you're kind of special, you know."

"I could say the same thing." I reply, yawning sleepily. "I need to go soon..."

"Stay a few more minutes?" He mumbles, his eyes already struggling to stay open.


I close my eyes for a few seconds too, but when I open them again the sky isn't dark blue. It's pink and orange. I sit up suddenly, seeing the sun starting to rise in the sky in front of us. Cursing under my breath, I quickly (but carefully) shake Grian awake.

I almost don't want to, he looks so sweet and peaceful when he's asleep, like an angel. The only thing he'd be missing is wings. But he's rambled and complained about having an overprotective friend, so I assume he'd be in just as much trouble as I will.

"Grian! Grian it's morning!"


Even when he's half awake he's adorable. I almost forget what to say.

"Uh... w-we need to go!" I remind him, as he sits up and rubs his eyes tiredly. "It was really nice seeing you, and I'll see you again tonight or tomorrow and-"


Grian takes my hand before I can go, smiling warmly.

"You're just gonna leave like that?"

Those pretty eyes and cute smile are irresistible. So, and I can't even say reluctantly, I hug him tightly. And I was only expecting it to be a hug too.

So when his lips brush against my cheek, I go red and assume it was an accident. Then he lightly kisses me there, barely a noticeable one but definitely a kiss. I freeze, not sure what to say or do or think, but thankfully Gri pulls out of the hug and smiles.

"See you tomorrow?"

"Y-yeah... I- or you- we... TOMORROW!" I blurt, waving goodbye before jumping into the water as fast as I can.

Once I'm far away, I bury my hands in my face, groaning loudly.

Way to go, Scar.

Grian's POV

I can't help but laugh as Scar disappears into the sea. Sure, maybe the kiss on the cheek might have been pushing it a bit, but he didn't seem too opposed to the move I made last night. And he seemed embarrassed about it, not uncomfortable.

I stand up and brush the sand from my hair and clothes, not really sure why I bother to do so. I always have sand on my clothes, and the bit in my hair kind of blends in anywa-

"Grian! Where the heck were you?!"

Hels's angry voice startles me, and I look up from the ground to see my friend glaring at me.

"You disappeared in the middle of the night and reappeared at 5 in the morning! Where did you go?!"

"Heh... sorry." I say awkwardly. "I couldn't sleep last night, came out here, and accidentally fell asleep again."

My lie seems to work, because Hels looks like he believes it. He sighs heavily, before looking back up at me.

"You... you had me worried Gri." He admits.

"I'm sorry." I apologize. "I didn't mean to scare you."

Lying makes me feel guilty, but I wasn't in danger. Scar wouldn't hurt a fly... to be honest, he'd probably run away from one not knowing what it was.

"You're lucky it was me and not Doc." Hels shrugs, walking me back to the ship. "He'd spend an hour checking for a cold or something and wouldn't let you out again for a week."

I can't help but laugh at how true that is. We love Doc, but holy crap, he can be overprotective. Kind of like the friend Scar, Ezra and BDubs described... Xisuma, I think his name was.

"Just... just promise me you won't do it again?" My friend asks, stopping as we reach the boat. "It can be dangerous out here alone... especially at night."

"Of course." I promise, and it's technically the truth. I'm never alone when I'm out here. Still, I can't shake the guilty feeling I have whenever I need to lie to my own friends like this. I can't wait for the day when I can just introduce them to Scar and it'll all be ok.

For now though, I guess I'll just have to put up with it.

Ending was kinda rushed, and it didn't help that I spend two days procrastinating on this. I'm happy with it either way, and I can only hope that you are too.

- Xan

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