Chapter 23 - Flowers and Negotiations

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"Oh my gosh, they're so cute!" Cleo whispered, watching as Grian and Scar cuddled together. Both were still asleep, even as the sky faded from orange to a light blue, and nobody had the heart to wake them up.

Scar had his arms wrapped around Grian as the two of them lay in the hammock, surrounded by blankets and pillows. They were exhausted, and just wanted to be together after all they'd gone through.

So when a slightly lost looking Xisuma wandered in to try and find his friend, he was immediately shushed by 8 pirates before he could even talk.

"What? Why are you all-"

X then caught sight of the couple, and practically melted on the spot. Then he quickly got a hold of himself, shaking his head.

"We should leave them be, they deserve privacy." He pointed out, Doc's crew groaning in protest. "Come on! They need to sleep."

Nobody moved, but Hels decided to give X a hand... and cause a little bit of chaos while he was at it.

"Last person to the water cleans the deck!" He exclaimed, his friends immediately getting up and chasing him outside.

Xisuma smiled, watching as the last few disappeared out the door and onto the deck. He glanced back over at Scar, and could have sworn that he saw him smile a little as he slept.

"I'm glad you're happy." Was all X said, before leaving the two in peace.

Scar woke up to an unfamiliar feeling... or possibly several of them. There was sunlight shining on his face, he was covered in soft, fluffy blankets, and Grian was closely cuddled up next to him. It was nice.

He glanced over at his boyfriend. If this was what it was like when Gri woke up, he wanted to wake up like this every single day for the rest of his life. Especially with the man he loved by his side each morning.

Speaking of Grian, he was beginning to wake up too. It took him a few moments to focus on what was happening, but he immediately smiled when he saw Scar.


"Good morning sunshine." Scar replied, planting a little kiss on top of his forehead. It was so nice to be with Grian, without the constant worry of getting caught hanging over them. 

"Sunshine?" Grian repeated, laughing a little. "That's new."

"Yeah." Scar shrugged. "I think it's a good nickname for you, if you don't mind."

"I certainly don't, but now I need one for you too."

"You don't need to worry about that for now, we should go outside and find the others."

Grian nodded in agreement, liking that plan too, and moved over to climb out of the hammock. Then he hesitated, unsure of how to get past his boyfriend. Unfortunately for the couple, the added weight on one side tipped the bed over, inadvertently solving their problem.

Scar yelped in pain as he hit the hard, wooden ground, Grian landing on top of him. If he was going to stay at the ship regularly, they might need a bigger hammock.

"Oh my goodness, are you alright?" Grian gasped, quickly helping him to his feet. 

"Did I break your fall?"


"Then it was worth it." Scar replied, smiling a little awkwardly as he tried to ignore the throbbing pain in his back. "Let's go-"

Two Different Worlds (Re-Write) - A Hermitcraft Mermaid AUWhere stories live. Discover now