Chapter 5 - Gifts

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Grian's POV

I look through the box of stuff I brought with me on the boat, determined to find something I can give to Scar. Even if I just met him, he saved my life. I feel like I should pay him back.

I find a small bracelet with little green gems on it. I can't remember where I got it, but it matches his eyes so I'm gonna give it to him. Hopefully he'll like it... if he actually turns up tonight.

I wonder about where he might live. I didn't see any other settlements, so he might be on another island. Maybe he has a small boat or something, and that's how he saved me. Although at the same time, the others claimed they didn't see anyone.

It's certainly a bit of a strange case, so I might ask him about it. It would be cool to meet other sailors or pirates here, and possibly form an alliance.

My friends have all been teasing me, saying I either saw a mermaid, or hit my head so hard I imagined one. They're always making jokes about me and mermaids, because I'm the one person on the boat who absolutely doesn't believe in them.

Well, Hels never says anything on the matter. But Hels doesn't say anything on a lot of matters, so I guess he's just neutral about it.

Speaking of Hels, he happens to walk into the room.

"Where'd you get that?" He asks me, spotting the bracelet in my hands.

"Can't remember... I guess it's kinda weird for a guy to own a bracelet."

Hels simply shrugs, pulling a necklace out from under his shirt. It has a red, tear shaped gem at the end. It's one of those necklaces that fits together with a matching one, and I wonder for a moment who the other one belongs to.

"Well if you're weird, I'm weird too." My friend shrugs, sitting on the makeshift bed beside me and putting the necklace back before I can get a better look at it. "Are you feeling any better?"

"I felt better yesterday, but Doc won't let me leave the sick bay." I huff, crossing my arms.

"Eh, he can be like that." He admits. "It's best to just suck it up for a few days instead of leaving too soon and hurting yourself even more."

"Still, I hate it."

"It's all done with your best interests in mind, Grian." He tells me, standing up again. "I need to help Iskall finish the dock today, but I'll be back later, alright?"


Hels grins at me, before leaving the sick bay and heading back up to the island again. I fall back onto the bed with a groan, before trying to wait the rest of the hours out until night.

Scar's POV

"Well, this is the most focused I've seen you in a while."

Xisuma's voice startles me as I twist the small strands of seaweed together into a bracelet. I'm making it for Grian, and I picked out lots of little pearls to put onto it. My friend smiles at me, before leaning in closer.

"Who's that for?"

"Nobody, just practicing making bracelets." I lie. I've spent the last hour doing this, and it took another 2 to gather the pearls, so that much isn't untrue.

"I'm glad you're feeling better now." X tells me. "And I'm also glad you aren't rushing straight back into the reckless stuff."

"I'm not reckless!" I argue, going a little red in the face as I think about last night. "Just..."

Two Different Worlds (Re-Write) - A Hermitcraft Mermaid AUWhere stories live. Discover now