Chapter 18 - Disaster

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TW: Kidnapping, Mild Panic Attack 

I don't even need a chapter description. If you've read the original book, you know exactly what's coming.

Scar couldn't wait for much longer.

Missing Grian was bad enough, but the extra worry about him being ok wasn't helping. For all he knew, his boyfriend was killed in battle against those other pirates and he'd never see him again.

Scar was aware that this probably wasn't the case, but he was worrying about it anyway. He'd tried his best to describe his concern to Xisuma without giving too much away, but it was almost impossible to find comfort if he couldn't tell him what was actually wrong.

"It'll be ok." Ezra reassured his friend, Scar's head in his lap as he played with his hair. "You heard Grian, he's doing this for you. It'll all blow over within the next week, I promise."

"But I can't even last one week without going insane!" The brunette insisted, throwing his hands up in the air and almost hitting BDubs in the face.

"Hey, watch it!" BDubs snapped, before sighing. "I rarely say this, but Ezra's right, you're overreacting. I was there too, Grian said he would try to sort things out with the other crew."

"But what if-"

"Ah- no more 'but's." Ezra interrupted. "Just trust him, trust us, and trust that everything will be alright."

Scar reluctantly shook his head, but BDubs raised his eyebrows.

"Come on." He prompted. "We wanna hear you say it."

"I... I trust you guys." The brunette admitted, Ezra smiling contently.

"There we go, that wasn't too hard, was it?" He asked. "Now you don't need to worry anymore."

Scar debated on telling him that worrying didn't work that way, but decided not to. He didn't want to go in circles for hours on end, and it was just easier to agree with those two than to try and argue with them.

Ezra and BDubs left after another few minutes, leaving him alone. He stared at his bracelet, that he'd worn every day since it was given to him, and sighed.

Seeing Grian for a little while wouldn't hurt, would it? Just to make sure that he was ok? He'd be gone and back before anyone would notice.

No, he couldn't. Xisuma seemed to be watching everyone every second of the day, he'd realise within minutes that he was gone...

Unless he only left for a few minutes.

"How do you ask someone to go away without sounding mildly threatening?"

Doc's question brought Grian back to attention, and he simply shrugged.

"Please and thank you?"

The captain tapped his pen against the table, staring at the blank piece of paper.

"Hello other pirates, please state your business or leave the area." Doc began, thinking out loud. "If we don't hear back from you within the next 3 days, we'll assume the worst and blast you to bits. We are open for discussions... Thank you."

Grian couldn't help but laugh at his friend's sarcasm, despite the serious situation.

"Maybe get someone else to write it?"

"Like who, Mumbo? We're not looking for a formal document written in perfect calligraphy." Doc mumbled. "And besides, I'm the captain, it's my responsibility to sort this out."

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