Chapter 21 - Saved

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Jimmy watched as Scar's eyes lit up, clearly happy at the idea of their plan failing. Joel simply frowned, standing up and following Pearl onto the deck to investigate as Jimmy followed him, both looking concerned.

As they locked the door behind them to ensure nobody could get in, Scar was beginning to have an idea. Clearly his family was to get him back, but if this ship was being followed by another ship... was this what he thought it was?

Yells from above and the sudden clash of metal confirmed his theory, and as terrifying as it all was, Scar couldn't help but smile.

This was gonna be interesting.

Grian was incredibly quiet, terrified of what could be happening to Scar. He didn't want to think about how scared his boyfriend must have been. Almost unexpectedly, the merpeople who barely knew him tried their best to offer support.

Xisuma, who apparently had been in the same situation before, had assured him that they'd get his boyfriend back before anything bad could happen. And Ezra had admitted that he knew how scary it was to have someone you love be pulled away from you like that.

Wels and Hels had offered their comfort, having been separated for so long and understanding his feelings. Zedaph and Tango assured him that bad things like this never got in the way of their relationship. Stress and Joe were natural experts at looking after others, and despite not having any personal experience did their best to help.

And BDubs, who didn't really have any kind of experience with that sort of thing, just gave Grian a hug and promised to make the other pirates pay for what they'd done.

It was nice to know that Scar's family was ready and willing to accept and help Grian, even if they met under some pretty bad circumstances. He initially wondered how they agreed to help a human they just met, but he was quickly beginning to see that something about Scar's innocent, trusting personality must have imprinted on them.

He felt Doc nudge his arm a little, the captain grinning a little despite the unfortunate circumstances.

"C'mon Grian, it's go time."

Joel paced back and forward, silently panicking as he tried to come up with a plan. Conflict was pretty low on the list of things he liked, especially if it meant his friends would end up in danger.

"Joel?" Pearl called. "We're getting attacked from the sides!"

The captain ran over to her, looking down at the side of the ship, several others following. Surely enough, dents and scratches were covering the wood, almost like something was trying to tear it apart.

Unfortunately, he realised far too late that it was a distraction.

Joel heard a scream that was inevitably Jimmy's, and turned around to see his friend trying to fend off a man with a metal arm. Several others followed, including a rather short blonde who immediately pinned the captain against the wall.

"Where is he?!" The blonde demanded, eyes full of rage. "What did you do to him?!"

"I- Uh-" Joel stammered, trying to push the pirate off of him. Another man, much taller and with dark brown hair, came over.

"Let me try." He told the blonde, before grabbing a trident and holding it up to Joel's chest. "What did you do with the merman you captured?"

The captain hesitated, watching as his crew got absolutely annihilated by these strangers. Then he glanced back over at the man with the trident, who was glaring at him with bright violet eyes.

"Copper coloured tail, brown hair, about 6 feet tall... you grabbed him in your net." The stranger reminded him, pushing the weapon a little closer so that Joel could feel it pressing against his chest. "Where is he?"

"He-" The captain began, before spotting someone behind the violet-eyed man. The brunette noticed that he was staring at something, and turned around just in time to dodge Lizzie's punch.

Grabbing her wrist, Xisuma pulled her around and pinned her against the wall beside Joel. Behind him, most of the other pirates were already knocked out or completely surrounded by the others.

"I've got these two, Grian." He called. "You go and find Scar."

Grian nodded, before running below the deck. There were hammocks and storage crates scattered around, and a little corner sectioned off to function as a med-bay. But he couldn't see where Scar was.

His heart was racing in fear, terrified that he might be too late, until he spotted a door. Face lighting up, he ran over and tried to open it. Locked.

"Dang it..." Gri mumbled, looking around. He couldn't see a key or anything else to get the door open, which only really left one option.

"Oh well, I guess I always wanted to do this." He sighed, before quite literally kicking the door down.

Scar heard the door slam open, eyes widening as he heard someone run towards him. The sounds of clashing metal and yelling had died down a few moments ago, and he could only hope that things had gone well.

Surely enough, Grian dropped to his knees in front of the glass tank just seconds later. His boyfriend's face lit up with happiness, and he hauled the heavy kid off of the container.

"Scar!" He gasped, immediately throwing his arms around the merman. "Oh my gosh, I was so worried about you! Are you hurt?"

"It's alright, I'm fine." He assured his boyfriend.

"Well, they're still gonna pay for what they did anyway." Grian promised, helping Scar stand up and climb out of the tank.

"How did you guys even rescue me?" He asked.

"Your friend Xisuma told me they captured you... and my friends decided to help your friends, and I think they're all friends now!" Gri explained, seeming extremely happy about the idea.

"Wait, really? X asked for your help?" Scar asked, before laughing a little. "That's new... I guess people really can change."

Grian took his hand, leading him back up onto the deck, and immediately 8 concerned merpeople rushed over to hug him and make sure he was ok.

"Oh my goodness Scar, I was so worried for you!" Xisuma admitted, grabbing Scar's face in his hands and checking for so much as a scratch or a bruise on his friend. "Did they hurt you? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine! Don't worry!" He assured, before X was practically pushed away by BDubs and Ezra.

"You scared the crap out of us!" BDubs gasped, hugging Scar.

"You should've seen how I kicked those pirates' butts!" Ezra added excitedly. "And speaking of the pirates... what's gonna happen to them?"

The group turned around, where the other crew had been tied to the ship's mast to keep them from going anywhere.

"He has a point... what are we gonna do with them?" Iskall asked, glancing over at Doc and Xisuma for an answer.

"I think we should forgive them." Scar suggested.

"Wait, what?!"

We're almost at the end now

- Xan

Two Different Worlds (Re-Write) - A Hermitcraft Mermaid AUWhere stories live. Discover now