Chapter 4 - Not Exactly As Planned

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Scar's POV

I stare at my ceiling, still thinking about what happened yesterday. The conclusion I've come to is that yes, I find that stranger cute. That's all. I can think someone looks pretty without really caring about them in any other way.

And the only reason I rescued him is because I don't want it on my conscience that someone died when I could have saved him.

It's nothing else.

No other reason.

Why should there be?

I'll just move on with my life, and he'll move on with hi-


I jump a little at the sound of Xisuma's voice, and only realise now that he's waving a hand in front of my face.

"You alright? You've been in bed all morning." He points out. "You're not sick are you?"

"I'm fine." I lie, before sitting up and wincing a little. My arms and tail are still sore from how hard I swam yesterday, and even moving is painful.

"You're hurt?!" X panics. "Scar! Why didn't you tell me!"

"I'm not hurt..." I mumble, lying back down as carefully as I can.

"I'm not believing that for a second, you stay here until I find something to help."

"The others are right! You're such a dad sometimes!" I groan. It's a long running joke that Xisuma can be like a parent to us, despite the fact that he's only 7 years older than me, and it's not untrue.

"And proud of it!" X calls, heading back to his house to try and find something for me.

I sigh heavily, closing my eyes, but I know he has a point.

I start thinking about Grian again, without really knowing it. I find myself wondering if he's ok, if he survived almost drowning. I wonder if he remembers that I saved him.

Thinking about him only makes me worried. What if he did die? And it's my fault because I couldn't save him fast enough? What if he's alive, but injured really badly? What if he hit his head so hard that he will die?

I open my eyes again, a shudder going through my body. Maybe I should think about something else. But that image stays with me, and I'm determined to find out somehow if he's alright, just so I can stop panicking about it.

But I can't exactly do that. Especially with an overprotective friend like Xisuma.


Unless I sneak out.

Grian's POV

Doc won't let me go anywhere, and it absolutely sucks. I keep insisting I'm fine, that I can keep helping the others set the base up, but he doesn't even allow me up the stairs onto the deck in case I hurt myself again.

I've also been thinking about that person I saw. With brown hair and green eyes, and a little scar across his nose. Maybe I did imagine him, but he feels so real. Or I'm just going crazy...

I probably would go crazy down here, but Mumbo and Hels have been sticking with me a lot, and occasionally Impulse and Iskall, but I'm still bored. So when the captain comes down again to check on me, I ask him for the millionth time.

"Please can I go out Doc? I'm fine! Even Impulse said I don't have a concussion!"

"You hit your head hard enough to believe someone rescued you from that storm, so I'm gonna say no for now." He tells me, gently patting my head. "You'll be better soon, I promise, but stay in bed for now, you need the rest."

Two Different Worlds (Re-Write) - A Hermitcraft Mermaid AUWhere stories live. Discover now