Chapter 6 - Trust Me?

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BDubs's POV

Scar's been acting funny.

He usually has his head in the clouds, but this is something else. He's constantly humming to himself, completely zoning out when someone tries to talk to him, and is frequently staring at that ship that came here a few days ago.

It still hasn't left, but the levels of panic have mostly settled. They clearly have little or no interest in coming down here, and even if they tried they couldn't. It's too far down for a human to swim.

But right now, I'm a lot more concerned about Scar than I am about the boat.

"Do you think he's acting weird?" I ask Xisuma, when I notice him watching our friend too.

"Yeah... I guess. Maybe he's just happy about something?" The brunette shrugs. "Whatever it is, I'm sure it's nothing to be worried about."

"Still, I've known him since we were 5, and I've never seen him like this."

"You could ask him about it." Xisuma suggests. "Like I said, he could just be having a good day."

I consider telling him about Scar leaving last night, but decide not to. Maybe he is just having a good day, and I don't want to ruin it by getting him in trouble.

"Speaking of Scar... where'd he go?" X then asks me. I look around, but can't see my friend anywhere.

"I'll find him." I offer with a sigh, before heading off to look for him.

Scar's POV

I remember not to make the mistake of turning up wet this time, and head up early to try and dry off before I meet Grian again. I don't think the 'falling in the water' excuse will work twice on him.

This time I stay at the opposite side of the island from the ship, in case the other humans see me, but he manages to find me eventually. He looks so different in the sunshine, and I love the way the light makes it seem like his golden hair is glowing.

"There you are!" Grian exclaims, sitting down next to me. I spot the bracelet on his wrist, and smile.

"You still have it?"

"Yeah, of course! I'm not that bad at losing things!" He laughs, before looking down at my wrist. "I'm glad you still have yours."

"I'm glad I have it. It's really nice." I admit, staring at the pretty green crystals again.

"Thank you! I actually brought something else this time!" He tells me, before reaching into the small brown bag he brought with him. Then he pulls out something I've never seen before.

It's round and brownish-gold, with darker brown blobs all over it. He hands it to me, before pulling another one out for himself.

"I made them myself!" He claims proudly, before biting into it. I look back down at the one he gave me, before doing the same.

It's not like anything I've eaten before. It isn't tough or hard to bite into like a fish, and it certainly doesn't taste like one either. It's warm and chewy and really sweet, and after only one bite I'm already obsessed.

"Oh my gosh! How is it so good?!" I gasp, before biting into it again.

"My mum's recipe, which is also the best recipe!" Grian replies. "Although, I guess everyone says that about their mum's cookies... Does your mum make good cookies?"

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