Chapter 16 - Not the Ideal Plan

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In which Grian makes a risk assessment, and the Empires Crew makes a plan.

(TW: Mentions of death/kidnapping)

Grian stared at the ship in the distance, frowning a little. It has just... stopped in the middle of the ocean, and hadn't moved for a few days.

"So... what do you think they're here for?" Scar asked, hoping his boyfriend would know. Gri usually knew a lot about ships and other pirates, so he was his main information source for that kind of thing.

"I don't know, if they wanted to make a move on us they would have by now... but they're too far away to be stopping for resources." He sighed. "Whatever they're doing, I don't like it."

"Xisuma told us to stay away." Scar admitted.

"Doc said similar, but we might try to talk to them if they stay for much longer." Grian agreed. "I think your friend is right though, stay away if you can."

The two were interrupted when BDubs and Ezra popped their heads above the water, both looking equally concerned.

"Sorry to interrupt, but X is looking for you." BDubs told Scar, as Ezra said a brief 'hi' to Grian.

"He's not doing great..." The albino then admitted. "He's panicking because he can't find you."

Scar turned around to apologise to his boyfriend, but Gri shushed him.

"It's alright, but it does sound like Xisuma's really worried. Maybe you should stay with him for a few days, while we figure out what the deal is with those pirates."


"Come on, we can last for a few days without seeing each other." Grian insisted. "And besides, it's what's best for you, that's what's most important."

Scar wanted to protest, but Ezra was pulling on his arm. He sighed, unable to think of any good reason to stay, and tightly hugged his boyfriend.

"Stay safe, ok?" Gri asked. "We'll make sure they won't hurt you."

The merman only nodded his head, before his friends led him away. He knew it would only be a few days, but he hated to think that Grian might be putting himself in danger to keep Scar out of it.

Before they were anywhere near the village, a relieved looking Xisuma came over to make sure they were alright.

"Sorry." Scar apologised, before X could even say anything. "I didn't mean to worry you."

"It's alright, I know you're safe when you're with Grian but..."

"He said I should stay with you guys for the next few days, just to be safe." He admitted.

"Well it's good to know he's responsible." Xisuma sighed. "Now come on, I don't want to linger around here for much longer..."

"You don't think you can get out of there Jimmy, do you?"

Jimmy awkwardly tugged at the net he was caught in, trying to find a way out. It was Joel's only way of actually testing the net on a merperson, Lizzie was still upset and had point-blank refused to help, and so the captain somehow convinced him to do it.

"I don't think so." Jimmy replied, trying to undo the knot. "But uh... are you sure you can get me out of here either?"

"Obviously I can! I tied the knot!" Joel insisted, starting to untangle him. However, he quickly realized that he'd done it a bit too tight. "Uh... well it actually seems that you're stuck, but consider it a good thing!"

Two Different Worlds (Re-Write) - A Hermitcraft Mermaid AUWhere stories live. Discover now