🌸 Fussy Baby - NCT 🌸

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Requested by: @yangyangisherenow (this request has taken me WAYYY too long, I am so sorry!!)

Fandom: NCT
Little(s): Jung Sungchan (3-4), Liu Yangyang (1-3), Lee Jeno (5)
Caregiver(s): Johnny Suh, Mark Lee, Lee Taeyong, Wong Kun Hang | Hendery (mentioned)

Summary: While Hendery is out on a busy schedule for the day, Johnny, Mark, and Taeyong have to look after the littles. Only problem is, one little in particular is quite fussy without his main caregiver and causes a little bit of havoc for the others...

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It had been a long few weeks; the seven boys all had to record a rap-style song together and film a music video. By the end of it, they all were exhausted. One after the other, the littles of the group slipped together. The others knew about their regression and were more than happy to watch over them, of course!

The caregivers decided to devise a plan to go to the park with the littles as a treat for doing so well recording. Most of the subunit had a free day today, apart from Hendery who had dance lessons that day.

And this is where we end up with Yangyang on the floor sulking, Sungchan trying to pull his little red sneakers on, and Jeno pulling on Mark's arm to hurry up and go already, all of which were in littlespace.

Sungchan bent down to tie his shoe, upset when he found that he couldn't. His eyes watered and his lip wobbled as he sat down on his bottom, frantically trying to tangle the shoelaces together and hoping it worked.

"Aw! Our little Sungchannie is tying his own shoe! What a good boy!" Taeyong praised, coming over and tying it for him. "Someone's eager to go to the park, isn't he."

Sungchan nodded and stood up, wobbling. "Mhm! Park! Park!"

"What about you, little man?" Johnny's voice was gentle, but that didn't stop Yangyang from shooting him a look with disdain in his eyes.

"No! Yangie miss 'Dery." Yangyang pouted, crawling away from the front door where everyone was putting their shoes on. It had been a hassle to fit Yangyang into clothes from his pajamas earlier, him crying when they finally did dress him in a loose hoodie and long shorts. "'Dery! 'Dery!"

"Yangyang, Hendery had to do big-people things. You don't wanna do big-people things do you? Yucky! You'd rather be little and cute, huh?" Johnny cooed, poking at the little's cheek. The grumpy facade faded away as he giggled and forgot why he was upset.

"Markie! Markie, let's go!!" Jeno whined, pouting as he pulled on Mark's jacket sleeve. Mark laughed and slung a small backpack over his shoulder, looking around. "Sungchannie and Taeyong-hyung are there... Where's Yangyang?" Mark looked around frantically for the toddler, Johnny coming around the corner, holding him. Yangyang folded his arms, displeased as Mark cooed gently. "Aww! How cute!"

"No! No cute!" Yangyang fought back, Johnny rolling his eyes and still holding the smaller boy.

They put masks on and left, the little's toddling into the car (Yangyang whining about it), and heading towards the park.

The car ride wasn't so bad, as it was only twenty minutes away. Nobody else was at the park, since today was sort of gloomy, so nobody would spot them. It was perfect.

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