🌸 Bedtime Prayers - NCT 127 🌸

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Fandom: NCT 127
Little(s): Mark Lee (3), Lee Donghyuck | Haechan (5)
Caregiver(s): Kim Dongyoung | Doyoung

Summary: Before bed every night, Donghyuck and Mark like to pray with their caregiver because God loves all of the little children -and the not-so little ones too!

A/N: I love the fact that before each and every concert, those three pray together. As a believer myself, I think that's pretty awesome! This one was written especially for my littles with faith out there, but anyone can enjoy it!

(I'm working on some requests right now, so if you requested a oneshot, it's in the works, I promise!)

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Doyoung closed the storybook gently as Donghyuck clapped and Mark nuzzled farther into his blanket, eyes tired and low with sleep.

Both littles enjoyed the storybook every time Doyoung read it to them, gasping when the main character developed rainbow stripes on her skin and cringing when she ate lima beans to cure it. Donghyuck always clapped at the end when she was cured from her bad case of stripes.

The moon was high in the sky and the dorms were fairly quiet, apart from Taeyong watching a drama in his room. Mark didn't live in this dorm usually, but wanted to sleep here because Donghyuck was little and he wanted to regress too. So, Doyoung happily invited him over!

And they played and played for hours, building huge block towers and cuddling their soft stuffed animals. In their normal headspace, Mark and Donghyuck seem to bicker endlessly despite being boyfriends. In their little space, however, they're the best of friends and a pair of angels, honestly.

After they played and ate dinner, they went upstairs to wash up. Doyoung helped them brush their teeth and helped Donghyuck take his medications. Then they snuggled into their beds before Donghyuck remembered something rather important.

"Doie-hyung!" Donghyuck gasped, grabbing his stuffed teddy bear and sliding out of his bed. He looked at his hyung expectantly and pouted. "We forgot to pray!"

"Oh!" Doyoung smiled and ruffled Donghyuck's messy, dark hair. "We did, didn't we? Come on, down you go!" Doyoung held out his hand for Mark to take and helped him down to lean against the bed where Donghyuck was knelt, his eyes dutifully closed.

The three of them knelt next to the bed and clasped their hands together. Doyoung was gonna ask which of the boys wanted to start the prayer, but Donghyuck beat him to it.

"God? Today I lied an' said I didn' mean to knock over Markie's block tower, but I did. An' that was wrong. I'm sorry." Donghyuck started, hands clasped together. He sounded rather amused with himself now that he said it out loud, but felt sorry nonetheless.

"Hey!" Mark whine. Doyoung peeked an eye open briefly to see the little visibly upset with a pout in his face.

"But I hope he can forgives me. An' hope you can forgives me too, 'cause that's why Jesus died." Donghyuck continued. "An' I pray for sweet dreams an' uh... strengths an' stuff. Doie-hyung? It's your turn."

"Lord, please forgive us for our sins and lead us not to commit them again. Please grant us serenity and peace in our hearts and strengthen our faith so that we never fall. I pray that you send your angels of protection for us, for our building, and for the rest of our NCT friends as we sleep." Doyoung prayed, trailing off in case Mark wanted to add anything.

"Oh, um... pwotect m' family in Canada. Pwease? They really far 'way from here." Mark added, a small frown playing on his features. He sometimes got worried about his parents and older brother in his home country. He worried about them and missed them lots whether he was feeling big or little.

"Uh, that's it. Yeah!" Donghyuck nodded, eyes still shut. "I loves you, God. A lot."

"Me too." Mark squeaked.

"And in Jesus's name..." Doyoung trailed off, leading the others to say "amen" together. Donghyuck giggled and crawled back into his bed, but Mark needed help getting up there.

Doyoung eventually situated the pair and tucked them in. He kissed them goodnight on their little foreheads and Mark yawned, a small pout on his features.

Doyoung was about to leave the room, but Donghyuck stopped him before he could. "Oh! Um... Doie-hyung, can you turn on the nini-light?" Donghyuck asked nervously, looking around the room. He was scared of the dark, scared of the bad things that might get him.

Mark curled up next to Donghyuck and hummed. "Mm... is okay, Duckie! God sees us, we safe."

"Exactly, little one." Doyoung nodded and smiled in agreement, but turned on the Lilo and Stitch nightlight anyways in case Donghyuck had any nightmares -which he oftentimes did- and had to find his way to Doyoung's room... again.

"Goodnight, my little angels." Doyoung turned off the bedroom light and cracked the door, peeking in one more time to see the already asleep faces of his littles cuddled up next to each other.

They can all sleep well knowing that they're safe and that God loves all the little children -and the not-so little ones too!

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