🌸 Our Little Princess - Aespa 🌸

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Fandom: Aespa
Little(s): Ningning | Ning Yi Zhou (2)
Caregiver(s): Karina | Yu Jimin, Winter | Kim Minjeong, Giselle | Aeri Uchinaga

Summary: Giselle finds something that maybe she wasn't supposed to see. Crayons and blankets aside, the strangest part was what looked to be a... pacifier?

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"Guys... I've got a question." Giselle entered the room with a hushed but frantic voice. Karina and Winter looked at her quizzically and confused.


"Well, Yizhou's in her room. She's acting weird." Giselle alluded. Karina frowned and crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow.

"Is she okay? How's she acting weird?"

Giselle didn't even know where to begin, so she simply waved them to the youngest's room. She cracked open the door when the others followed her and gently peeked in.

Crayons were strewn across the dorm floor and scribbles were visible in what looked like a Disney coloring book. The room wasn't super messy or anything, but Ningning herself was like Giselle said; she was acting a little strange.

Ningning sat on a fluffy pink blanket in a nightgown way too big for her. She held a teddy bear and played with its paws quietly, babbling something that definitely wasn't real words. But the most confusing part was the pacifier in her mouth, bejeweled and adorned with beads reading 'princess'.

Karina sucked in a breath. "Wow. This is kind of weird."

One of the girls didn't seem too confused, though. At the sight of her friend so adorable, Winter squealed at the top of her lungs and fell to her knees, grinning.

"Oh my gosh! She's a little!" She gushed, hugging the toddler to her chest. Ningning's eyes went wide and little whimpers escaped from behind the pacifier.

"Minjeong! Don't overwhelm her!" Karina chided lightly, Winter clearly not listening to her and instead wrapped hi her own mind.

Giselle was simply confused. "What the hell is a little?" She asked, Karina shrugging.

Winter let go of the little, who crawled into a corner, scared. She typed something on her phone and shoved it at them before going back to Ningning.

Karina held the phone mumbling the words to herself and Giselle read the article over her shoulder curiously.

"Hey, sweetie. I'm not gonna hurt you..." Winter's voice was gently as her approached Ningning, who sat in the corner clutching her stuffed animal.

"So, she's a baby?" Giselle asked, absolutely dumbfounded. "How do you know so much about this?" Winter nodded, holding out her hand for Ningning, who played curiously with her bracelets instead.

"I had a friend who was a little a while back, so littles are pretty normal to me. I don't think she's a baby, though. Toddler aged, yeah." Winter then pitched up her voice and moved her arm and bracelets away from the little. "Yizhou? Princess? How old are you, honey?"

Ningning made a little noise and put up two fingers, Winter clapping and praising her for being "such a good girl!".

"She's really cute... I wonder why she never told us." Giselle wondered out loud. Ningning reached past Winter and towards Giselle, squishing her cheeks before bursting into laughter.

Karina smiled endearingly and took a picture of the event, Giselle's ears burning red. Winter giggled as Ningning then tried to squish everyone's cheeks, but couldn't reach the other two.

And yeah, Ningning would probably be upset when she returned to her normal self, but for now the girls simply cooed and adored their little princess.

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