🌸 Aquarium (Part 3) - NCT 127 🌸

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Fandom: NCT 127
Little(s): Lee Taeyong (3), Suh Youngho | Johnny (6), Lee Donghyuck | Haechan (1-4), Mark Lee (4)
Caregiver(s): NCT 127

Summary: NCT 127 goes to the aquarium while in Japan, which gives little Johnny, Taeyong, Mark, and Haechan time look at all the pretty fishies!

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Mark, Johnny, Doyoung, and Jungwoo walked to the gift shop and let Johnny loose to look at the cute things to buy. Mark followed him, not expecting to be so attached to the stuffed animals so quickly. It was as if every single stuffed animal was begging Mark to play with it and he really wasn't planning on slipping today.

"Are you gonna buy it?" Johnny asked Mark curiously as Mark held onto a particularly soft plushie and wouldn't let go.

Mark looked hesitant and shrugged nervously. "I mean... I don' have my wallet." He tried to argue, trying so hard not to slip into little space. But the plushie was just so, so soft and it really wanted to be Mark's friend! He just knew it!

Johnny realized Mark had slipped and smiled at him. "I'll buy somethin' for you!" Johnny puffed out his chest, wanting to buy a gift for Mark. He wanted to be the bestest big brother ever!

Mark was unsure. He squeezed the toy and frowned. "Is it... too weird?" He asked, feeling his big headspace slip away by the second. Johnny shook his head and marched up to Jungwoo, who was looking at a huge turtle plushie.

"Nope! Plushie friends are for eve'yone!" Johnny declared, making Mark feel a little bit better. The other little followed Johnny and looked around, squeezing some of the stuffed animals and enjoying the texture.

Jungwoo asked Mark about the large turtle and Mark gasped, wanting it immediately. He pointed at it and Doyoung sighed, realizing Mark had regressed. But he was more than willing to buy the babies whatever they wanted, it was a special trip anyways.

Everyone looked around until they decided on their things. Johnny took out his wallet like a big kid and held up the stuffed toys, walking to the register with them. Mark followed him excitedly and as Johnny got ready to buy the stuffies, Doyoung stopped them.

"Oh no you don't! You two aren't buying anything, papa's buying it." Doyoung whispered and took the plushies from the littles and placed them gently on the counter as the cashier rang them up. "Jungwoo, can you go take Johnny to the cafe and get him a snack while I pay for this?"

Jungwoo nodded and took Johnny's hand, leaving out of one exit as the other team walked through the front entrance together. Taeyong came in giggling and nearly tackling a large stuffed animal.

He bit his lip. "Too big?" He wondered, scared that he wouldn't be able to bring it back to Korea with him. "I won' buy it." He decided, placing the plushie back down in the pile.

Taeyong really tried to walk away but only got a few steps before whining and grabbing it again, holding it tight to his chest. He didn't wanna let go of it, but he felt like he had to. So, he dropped the plushie and sadly walked away.

But Jaehyun secretly bought the large stuffed animal when Taeyong wasn't looking, hiding it in the bag with a towel he'd bought and Mark's giant turtle.

Yuta had let Donghyuck find something cute by himself and walked off to find Mark, per usual. As Doyoung was finishing paying, Donghyuck waddled up and slyly placed a cute seal plushie onto the countertop, hoping that Doyoung would buy it for him. Reluctantly, Doyoung didn't object to it and bought the cute toy, which made Donghyuck happy. He hugged the caregiver from behind, mumbling "thank you".

Then Donghyuck ran off to find Yuta again, finding his caregiver at the Starbucks in the aquarium. The other members sat around at the Starbucks together. The littles started to babble about their new toys and Johnny had so much fun telling Taeyong and Donghyuck about the turtles and penguins. Yuta looked on fondly, leaning against the table, sipping a sweet drink.

Doyoung was the last to arrive, hauling the bags of gift shop items. He nudged his head to the exit. "Everyone ready to go?" He asked, as the others nodded and cheered.

"Let's go get something to eat, babies." Yuta held Mark and Donghyuck's hands as they walked out of the aquarium and to the street. Doyoung followed with Johnny, who kept talking about turtles. And Jaehyun and Jungwoo kept taking cute photos of Taeyong, who wanted to pose with absolutely everything, including the Taeil-starfish he'd carried around all day.

Their aquarium day was a huge success.

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