🌸 Mean Words and Misunderstandings - Stray Kids 🌸

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Fandom: Stray Kids
Little(s): Hwang Hyunjin (5-6)
Caregiver(s): Christopher Bang|Bang Chan, Kim Seungmin

Summary: Hyunjin is an age regressor and Seungmin doesn't understand at all, which leads to hurt feelings. Can the pair talk about what littlespace really is or will they just not see eye-to-eye?

A/N: Seungmin does mention age *play* as a kink, which is NOT the same as age regression. He gets the two misunderstood and mixed up, which leads to Hyunjin educating him and Seungmin accepting it.
In this story, Hyunjin age regresses to deal with trauma and stress, guys. Age regression is a coping mechanism and is never nsfw.

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Hyunjin and Chan both sit together on the floor, giggling. Hyunjin is feeling little, so Chan- being his caregiver- wanted to play with him.

Right now, Hyunjin's giggling, making his stuffed kitty talk to Chan in a silly voice. He's rambling about cookies and whether or not they're better with plain milk or strawberry milk, which Bang Chan finds endearing.

It's no secret that Hyunjin is a little. The whole group found out months ago and the response was overwhelmingly positive. Nearly everyone cooed after about how cute he was and voiced just how excited they all were to see little Hyunjin. Felix and Jeongin even offered to babysit him every once in a while, calling him cute. They gave him permission to regress around them and approved of Hyunjin's coping methods.

Well... almost everyone did.

Something about the whole thing rubbed Seungmin the wrong way. He just didn't understand why anyone would act like a baby for any good reason. He didn't get it and it annoyed him to see his closest friend attached at the hip with their leader.

Which is why he stands in the doorway while Hyunjin plays. The little didn't seem to notice him, but Bang Chan did, noticing that something seemed wrong.

"Are you okay, Minnie?" Chan asked gently.

"I just want to talk to Hyunjin, that's all." Seungmin forced a smile as Bang Chan nodded and turned back to the little, who babbled to himself about sugar cookies (which apparently, the little found best without any milk at all).

"I think someone wants to talk to you." Bang Chan's voice was soft as he held the little's hands. "Do you think you can be big again for me?"

Hyunjin frowned, wanting to talk back but doing it anyways. He shut his eyes and thought of older thoughts and responsibilities, which brought back his normal headspace. He sighed and let go of his hyung's hands, nodding and looking at Seungmin. "Okay. What's up?"

"Well... we need to talk about... this." Seungmin gestured towards the pink stuffed kitten in Hyunjin's arms and the little blushed in embarrassment. Chan left the room, not wanting to intrude or be too nosy.

"What do you mean? It's just a stuffed animal." Hyunjin narrowed his eyes and pouted, not liking where this conversation was headed.

Seungmin sighed. "Yeah, but you act like a little kid and do that weird baby voice and expect everyone to play along with it! And it's odd and gross because, like, you're not a baby! It's pretty attention-seeking and I don't like it." His voice was blunt and unwavering and it hurt Hyunjin to hear his friend speak like this about something he really care about. But, he understood why he might be put off by it.

"I'll keep it to myself then." Hyunjin nodded, dejected. "You have every right to be uncomfortable, I don't mind."

"Yeah, kinky shit like that needs to be kept behind closed doors, it's really weird." Seungmin continued, folding his arms coldly.

Hyunjin froze and furrowed his brows in confusion. He looked at the other. "Seungmin, what are you talking about?" He asked, having an inkling of suspicion of where this went wrong.

"I'm not against it when it's just you two, but keep it away from me. It's annoying to see you and our hyung doing all of this..." Seungmin trailed off, not meeting Hyunjin's gaze. "We get it. You're dating. That doesn't mean that you bring the rest of us into it."

"I'm not dating Channie-hyung!" Hyunjin sputtered out, dropping the toy cat. His cheeks burned red with surprise as his eyes widened in realization. "Wait, oh my god... do you think this is something we get off to or something? Seungmin, it's not like that!" Hyunjin didn't know whether to laugh or to cry... maybe both?

"Is that...?" Seungmin blinked in confusion. "Is that not exactly what it is?"

"What? No! Oh, now I'm embarrassed, why would you think that?" Hyunjin's face lit up even pinker and Seungmin shrugged.

"I don't know. If it's not that, then what exactly are you doing?" Seungmin still looked confused as Hyunjin took a moment to think.

"Okay, well... I'm an age regressor. We call ourselves 'littles', but all it really is is falling into a younger state of mind. It happens when people are stressed or under a lot of pressure or if trauma resurfaces." Hyunjin started.

Seungmin nods. "Oh, so like... a way to cope with stuff?"

"Exactly." Hyunjin smiles. "And it's always wholesome. It has nothing to do with sex, ever. Age regression is a coping mechanism and age play is a kink. And they aren't the same thing at all, but people confuse them."


Hyunjin kept going. "And so, when I feel stressed, I start to feel little. And I like to do things like sleep or eat with small utensils or play with kids' toys. I act like a kid would because in my brain, I genuinely think I am one in that moment. It's therapeutic, to be honest. And it's pretty widespread too, there's a wide community of little's in the world."

Seungmin was quiet, as if he were trying to process all of this.

"So... what about the whole dating thing?" He asked, voice low. Hyunjin giggled and shook his head.

"We aren't dating. Channie-hyung is my caregiver. A caregiver acts as a parental figure and takes care of a little. So like, he makes sure I eat lunch and plays with me and stuff." Hyunjin corrected. "And the others are like babysitters who -when my caregiver is busy- step in to take care of me."

"Why do you do it?" Seungmin asked after a pause. His voice was quiet, not wanting anyone to overhear if it was sensitive. "I mean, you don't have to answer. I'm just curious."

The room was silent once again. "I... experienced some very traumatic things when I was a kid. And sometimes it resurfaces. So, the only way I can cope with that traumas from when I was a kid is to kind of relive it in a way... but much better. Because there's no bad people around me, but I'm still a kid in my head, so it's like I'm working through it. If that makes sense." He shut his eyes tightly, starting to get emotional. He sighed a deep sigh and looked up at Seungmin sadly. "So... that leads us here."

"Oh, Hyunjin." Seungmin pulled his friend into a hug and shut his eyes. "I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have judged you. And I should have known that it wasn't weird or anything."

Hyunjin hugged him back, smiling and laying his head on his shoulder. "It's okay. And he meant it. He knew Seungmin didn't mean any harm.

"And maybe one day... I don't know, I can watch you. If you want me to." Seungmin continued, letting go of the other, who cracked a knowing grin.

"I'd love that."

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