🌸 Try Something - ONEUS 🌸

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Fandom: ONEUS
Little(s): Son Dongju | Xion (3-6)
Caregiver(s): Kim Geonhak | Leedo

Summary: Xion can't sleep at all but Leedo has the perfect solution! All Xion needs to do is lie back and listen to his voice...

Or, Xion regresses for the first time and likes it more than he thought he would.

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"Let me guess: you can't sleep again?" Geonhak's voice was gentle and Dongju nodded pitifully, biting his lip in frustration.

He held onto his pillow, turning with a pout. "Nothing's working! God, when did I get so difficult? I never used to have problems sleeping as a kid, I slept perfectly fine!"

Geonhak leaned forwards to run a soothing hand down Dongju's back, but stopped when he remembered something. He thought for a second, spacing out.

"Hey... do you wanna try something tonight?" He asked softly after a few moments of silence.

Dongju wiggled his eyebrows. "Oh, that's pretty bold of you, isn't it?" He purred, Geonhak rolling his eyes in exasperation.

"Not like that. I mean something to help you sleep, Dongju." He swatted at the younger boy, making him giggle tiredly. "You said you hadn't had problems falling asleep when you were younger, right?"

Dongju nodded. "Yeah. It was easy back then, ask Dongmyeong."

"So... we just make you feel younger!" Geonhak proposed. Dongju's face was bewildered before he grinned goofily, cackling at his boyfriend.

"That's stupid, babe."

Geonhak shook his head, taking Dongju's pillow and placing it on the bed. "Lean back and trust me."

Dongju rolled his eyes and laid back, head hitting the pillow rather roughly. Geonhak smiled and told Dongju to close his eyes, which the younger boy reluctantly did.

"Can you hear my voice?"

"No." Dongju replied sarcastically. Geonhak stuck his tongue out at him playfully and tried again.

"Can you hear me, Dongju?"

Dongju swatted violently at Geonhak's arm and huffed. "This is stupid! What's talking to me gonna do? I thought you said-"

Geonhak put on a stern voice and furrowed his eyebrows. "Listen to hyung. Don't hit me, puppy." He scolded lightly. Dongju pouted and averted his gaze, nodding and mumbling that he was sorry.

Something about Geonhak calling him "puppy" and reprimanded him made him feel... funny? But funny in, like, a good way. Almost floaty.

"Are you still sleepy, puppy?"

His head felt... fuzzy? Yeah, fuzzy and nice.

"Feel small... is that weird?" Dongju asked, voice small and timid. He felt stupid, but couldn't shake away the warm, little feeling he had.

Geonhak shook his head. "No, of course it's not weird. It's perfectly okay to feel small!" He assured, Dongju nodding in understanding.

Geonhak's voice was low and deep as he began to hum a sweet tune. Dongju's eyes became droopy and Geonhak's heart melted even more at the sight of a sleepy maknae.

"Are you feeling sleepy, little one?" Geonhak asked. Dongju pouted and shook his head, but it was clear that he was moments away from sleep. He didn't wanna give in, though.

He was getting so sleepy, so fast. A part of him wondered how Geonhak was doing this, but most of him just succumbed to it, the floaty feeling slowly carrying him away to dreamland.

"I like the deep voice..." Dongju yawned, playing with the edges of his blanket. Geonhak cooed and gently moved a strand of hair from Dongju's face.

"You do?" Geonhak asked, voice gentle. Dongju nodded, smiling.

"I like this." Dongju nodded sleepily, eyes droopy. He yawned again, tugging on his blanket and falling into the tired, fuzzy, carefree feeling in his brain. "Night night..."

"Goodnight, sweetheart." Geonhak's voice was a whisper as he kissed Dongju's forehead and walked to the doorway, cooing as he turned out the light.

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