🌸 Horror Movie - P1Harmony 🌸

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Fandom: P1Harmony
Little(s): Haku Shota | Soul (0-2), Kim Jongseob (7)
Caregiver(s): Yoon Keeho

Summary: It's spooky month and Soul decides to watch a movie that scares poor Jongseob!
TW: Horror/Depictions of gore

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When Keeho had proposed that the littles have a movie night, Jongseob really wasn't expecting to watch a grotesque, terrifying horror movie.

To be fair, Keeho let them pick any of the movies on the Netflix account and forgot to switch it to the "kids" profile. So you can imagine his surprise when Shota finds a scary movie and babbles incoherently for Keeho to put it on.

Shota was completely okay with horror movies. It was so weird, but even in the headspace of an infant, he enjoyed the unconventional. Which is why he's currently clapping his hands at the sight of a bloody, mangled ghost haunting the main protagonists.

However -despite regressing to an older age- Jongseob hated scary movies. He always had nightmares about it, both in and out of headspace.

But when Keeho had asked Jongseob if he was okay to watch the movie and have him a chance to opt out, Jongseob had stood his ground and agreed -even if he didn't want to.

He didn't want to seem weak. If the baby can watch a horror movie, then so could he!

But now that he sat on the couch with his caregiver and Soul, he didn't feel as confident. Not when the screen showed the mangled, torn-up phantom slowly sawing off the head of a young woman, who screamed shrilly at the viewer to help her. Jongseob shut his eyes tight, not wanting to watch anymore. There were more screams and the squishy sound effects of blood splattering. Shota giggled and clapped his hands like a sociopath and just like that, the movie was over.

That night, Keeho tucked in Jongseob and Shota and kiss them on their foreheads goodnight. Jongseob tried to forget about the movie, singing himself to sleep the best he could... but nothing was working.

He couldn't sleep! He could only toss and turn in distress, afraid that the phantom would come for him next in his sleep.

"Keeho-hyung!" He wailed, hiding underneath his covers. He couldn't take it anymore, he just couldn't sleep alone!

Keeho peeked his head Jongseob's room curiously. He gasped at the sight of the little, wide-eyes in terror.

He patted Jongseob's head and sat on the edge of his bed softly. "Oh, what's wrong? Was it the scary movie? Did you have a nightmare?" He asked gingerly, so that he didn't spook the boy any farther.

Jongseob nodded. "Didn' have a nightmare but the movie scared me..." he whimpered, so sleepy. "Why did Soul pick a scary movie?

"Well, honey... Soul is Soul." Keeho laughed, ruffling Jongseob's hair. "Shota's a weird kid. I thought you were old enough to watch a spooky movie, you should have told hyung to put on something else." He softly explained. "It's totally my fault."

Jongseob sniffled and cuddled himself farther into Keeho's embrace. "I... I didn' wanna seem like a baby."

"It's okay. I don't like horror movies either, if I'm being honest. I'd much rather watch a cartoon or something." Keeho admitted. "You're not a baby for disliking scary movies, I promise."

"Keeho-hyung?" Jongseob asked nervously, still shaking.


"Can you sleep here? An' scare the spookies away?" Jongseob asked shyly. Keeho smiled and laid down next to the little, tucking Jongseob into the covers right next to him.

"Of course, little guy. Come here." He kissed Jongseob's head goodnight. The little felt so safe in Keeho's arms that his eyelids started to droop with sleepiness.

As he drifted away, he felt as if his Keeho-hyung could ward away any spooky creature of the night -even a scary phantom!

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