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I feel a tingle. Wait who the hell is that guy?! Hes dressed in well green..and hes on some kind of hover board..and kinda looks like a goblin. I pull my mask back on. What the hell?


I put my mask back on. What the hell? I feel the tingle all over my body like everybody around me is trying to kill me.

"Whats wrong?!" Kate asks getting up quickly.

"Kate..somethings wrong. Really wrong." My breathing hitches. I look around me seeing  someone, but nobody's there. What the hell is happening to me? I feel a big headache wash over me making me groan in pain.

"Hey hey look at me." She cups my cheeks. "Whats wrong? Whats up?" She talks to my calmly putting my forehead on hers.

"" I groan out holding my ears. "K-kate i have to take you home." Before she answers i hold her back leaping off the building swinging away. I start seeing things like, like a person! The guy i saw on the hover board. Shit i dont think i can make it too kates. I think to myself. I end up going to mays apartment. I hear shouting in the living room. I quickly take off my suit leaving only my sports bra and boxers.

"U-uh you want me to-"

"No its fine i gotta see-FUCK." My ears start to bleed. I groan in pain. What the hell is this coming from? I hear petering yelling like he just had been stabbed. I put on a tanktop and some sweats and run into the living.  I see peter holding his ears rolling around on the ground. I see the blood in his hands.

"What the hell is going on?!" Mj shouts.

"I-i dont k- SHIT." Another wave of the sound washes over mine and peters ears as our screams gets louder. What the hell- OW. More blood comes out of my ears. At this point my hands and shirt are covered in blood. I see kate grab the first aid and some rags. She puts water on 4 rags and gives two to me and two to peter. We put them on both of our ears. It finally calms down after a few minutes. Me and peter are shaking at this point.

"What the fuck.." peter groans as he gets up. We clean our ears and get new shirts.

"Peter someones here." I tell him as we pace in the living room.

"Okay okay someone tell me what the hell is going on?!" Kate looks at me and peter.

"Kate someones here, i can feel it." I reply to her.

"Y/n we have to search after them. What if this happens again!" Peter tells me.

"I think i know who it is."


Me Peter and are currently in neds house doing research.

"Okay so he looked like a..lets say a green angry elf!" I shout.

"Okay okay." Peter tries picturing it in my mind.

"But when i was on the tower i thought goblin, but he was green. It you put it together green goblin. And i've heard that name before.." i say putting my hand on my chin.

"From where?" Ned asks as he clicks his keyboard.

"Harry! Mr.osborns son. Harry said that his dad was working on some experiment called the green goblin project im pretty sure the file would be in oscorp but its very top secret." I tell ned making him nod and click even more.

"Found it." Ned says smiling.

"How the hell-" peter gets cut off

"Im a computer man pete. Now come look at this." He motions us to come over to his desk. We take a look at the computer looking at it. "Now i hack into oscorp all the time. I've seen this file before i just didnt think nothing of it. I mean cmon? Green goblins a stupid name." He chuckles awkwardly. Me and peter shrug as we look at he screen. He clicks on the file and we see a video of mr.osbron injecting himself with some sort of green liquid. We also see green suit designs.

"Thats it! Thats the dude i saw." I exclaim pointing at the screen.

"Bingo." Ned says. We look at the video further more seeing the reaction afterwards.

"What's happening to him?!" Peter says worried. We see mr.osborn yell and scream.

"I think h-hes changing?" I try to figure out whats going on in this video. The video cuts off and cuts back to him saying something.

"Im coming for you spiders." He grins at the camera before smashing it. Well shit.

"H-hey whats the date on this?" I ask ned gulping.

"M-march 5th 2022.." Ned stutters.

"He's-" i get cut off.

"After us." Peter finishes. Well this is gonna be a damn adventure.

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