"I was expecting you.."

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I open aunt mays door around 4am and carefully sneak in. I decide to get some sleep so I dont wake up tired.


I wake around 9am hopping out of bed, putting on some clothes. I put on my best outfit and walk out of my room.

"Hey y/n! Want some pancakes?" May asks. Y/n might be controlled by venom right now but she would never hurt aunt may verbally or physically,..aunt may was all she had left.

"No aunt may not today. Thank you though.." i mumble the last part. I grab my backpack heading out the door. I get my keys out of my bag and drive too school.


I arrive late, but do i give a shit? Not fuckin one. I walk into the building right pass the office ladies. They look at me like im crazy but i keep walking. I first stop at my locker but the bell rang as i did so everybody was getting out of there class and going onto their other. I see feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around to see flash.

"Hey y/n-"

"Not  today flash." I pin him against the lockers gaining a crowd.

"Chill! I just w-wanted to say sorry about peter." He struggles to say.

"No no, you shut the fuck up! You have no place to speak. Alright?" I begin to choke him.

"Pl-please!" he begs.

"Do we have a problem here?" A teacher walks up. I drop flash.

"No mam we do not." I smile at her.

"Everyone get back to class!" She yells and walks off.

"This is only the beginning dickwad." I whisper to flash. I walk down the hall until someone speaks to me.

"Y/n.." the voice says. I know who that is.

"Leave me alone kate." I walk faster.

"Please- just let me ex-"

"No fuck off will you? Ya know? Maybe i never fucking loved you anyway. I dumped your ass." I look at her tilting my head. She looks speechless so i continue walking to my class.

"Hey y/n-"

"Not fucking today ned." I say without looking at him.


Im in class and i begin to have this idea. I feel this rage inside of me..the one i had when i was battling the green goblin. Man i wished i killed that bastard. Wait..who says i cant? I think for a moment. I grab a pencil and paper and begin drawing out my plan. Theres no way this is actually gonna work..but i'll make it.

"Ms.parker are you paying attention?" The teacher asks making my head shoot up.

"No!" I yell making the class laugh.

"Excuse me?" She says in a tone.

"Actually excuse me, i gotta go." I grab my bag and paper and begin to walk out.

"Get back here now!" She yells furiously.

"gEt bACK hERE nOw." I mock her making the class go into a fit of laughter. I run out of the school as fast as i can since security was chasing me. Wtf did i do? Im a fucking student. I run through the office finally getting out.


I end up at the One World Trade Center rooftop. I begin looking at this news article put out.

"Spider hero shows their true colors." I real out loud. I look at the author of the paper and see 'eddie brock' that mother- you have bigger things to focus on y/n. I take a breath before putting my mask back on and leaping off the building. I begin to swing towards a prison.


Once i arrive i swing towards the yard center. Since it was towards the corner i hid in the cracks of the prison. Sneaky as a spider. I get the main floor. Okay what now y/n? I see a vent above me and web the top making it come down. I jump into it and web the top back onto the vent. Like no one was there. I crawl through the vents navigating myself by looking down. Hopefully i dont fall through one. I think to myself. I finally see im at the more secured part of the prison. This is where they got to be holding him. Man i look crazy right now dont i? I stomp on the vent letting myself fall through. I land in a pose as i climb onto the ceiling. Here we go. I see a guard.

"Hey!" He yells. When he gets his gun i immediately web his hand to himself. I web his eyes then his legs making him fall. Once hes down i web his mouth.

"Shhh." I whisper to him while pulling him aside so no one sees him. This is not crazy this is not crazy this is not crazy..right? I begin to do the same to 3 more guards until i get to normans cell, i immediately see security cameras. I web them as i walk into the place he's being holding. Its a glass cell? His back is facing me.

"You know..I was expecting you." He laughs.

"Oh shut up!" I yell. "Now your gonna tell me how the fuck i get you out of here okay?!" I shout at him.

"Guards keycard, the one you just took out." He said. Well that was easy. I begin to raid the guard. "I know why your here y/n.." he says.

"I dont need you distracting me..security will be here in 1 minute and 39 seconds, so can you shut the fuck up?" I say as i find he keycard "Got ya." I say.

"You seem a little more aggressive." He laughs.

"If you dont shut the fuck up im leaving this prison without you." I say bluntly. He goes quiet. I swipe the card making the door unlock. He walks out as i let him walk free. You might be asking y/n why are you letting you guy who murdered your brother go free. Hes gonna regain his strength and hoverboard. When he has the confidence he will try and fight me again. Basically a round 2, and when he tries i'll win..again.

"See you around, parker." He says.

"The next time i'll see you will be the last." I say as i break a window and leap out of it. Oh this is gonna be good.

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