The Fight. Pt.1

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"You know i've been waiting for you!" I yell into the sky. A smile appears on my face. I look off the building, looking at the ground.

"Since your in your little villan phase, I suppose we should team up." He says laughing. I look behind me and see him standing there. I walk up to him like normal. I grab him by his throat.

"If you ever call this a 'phase' again. I will fucking kill your son in cold blood." He immediately nods as I put him down. "One more thing.." I look away. " not fuckinh teaming up." I immediately punch him in the jaw making him fall back. He falls onto the building hanging off the edge. "Hey remember when you killed my brother?" I ask.

"He died like a pussy." Norman says. I grab him by his suit holding him up.

"And now your about to die like one too." I throw him off the building, I wait a few seconds before diving after him. I pick up him up by throat swinging around. I eventually land throwing him on the streets, for everyone too see. "You know whats funnier than killing?" I ask, "Revenge." I web his hand to the ground, as I walk towards him. He uses his whole strength to rip the webs off but it doesnt work. I feel that tingle once again backflipping over his hoverboard. I hear people shouting since we were in the middle of a very popular street. I rip the webs off grabbing him by his throat. "So tell me norman..would you like to die on national television?" I ask tilting my head.

"Im.." He tries to speak. I loosen up my grip on him. "Im not the one dying tonight." He starts laughing like a manic. I look up to see on all the screens in new york a board cast of kate on a building. Shes tied up to a chair, about to fall off.

"Shit.." I whisper to myself.

"We all have soft spots, y/n." He smiles at me.

"Let her go now!" I yell throwing him into building. I walk up to him as he falls down from it.

"No no no." He laughs.

"I will fucking kill your whole family." I say through grit teeth.

"And i'll kill what you have left." What does that m- may.

"What do you want norman."

"I want you too, kill captain rogers." He laughs again.

"Why?! What has cap got on you." I ask.

"He killed my wife in Sokovia." Goblin admits.

"Im not gonna fucking kill him? Are you crazy?!" I furrow my eyebrows.

"I've been told..but if you dont." He mimics someone falling. My breathing picks up. I punch him the jaw one time before walking away. Shit, shit, shit man! I take a deep breath.

What would Peter do?

"You have 20 hours y/n!" He laughs manically. I begin to swing away.


"It always all my fault. I should have never let him out of that damn prison!" I scream at myself. This stupid suit! "Stupid! Stupid stupid!" I yell. I swing off the building I was before landing at this bell tower. I need this off. I say to myself. I begin to try and rip this black sort of goo off. "Why the fuck is it not coming off!" I yell. I use all my super strength. COME OFF! I try and rip it apart only wasting my strength. As im trying to get it off I accidentally hit the bell making a loud ringy noise. I scream in pain as my ears bleed. "Fucking shit!" I yell. I see the black goo start coming off of my hands. I think for a moment what was happening. Its the noise. I hit the bell over and over again. My ears pour out blood, but whatever it takes. I groan in pain. The final parts of the goo come off of me. I see it fall into the clock tower. I feel so exhausted. I lay there in pain and in a blood pool. I manage to grab my backpack pulling out my phone. I call a good friend.


"So what happened?" Miles asks.

"Black goo is bad guy." I say as I pace through his room. "Plus they have kate miles. They have her!" I shout.

"Y/n calm down..the avengers are thinking of a plan as we speak." Miles tries to talk.

"I have to kill him..or hes gonna kill her!" I feel my eyes water.

"Y/n. Stop it." He slaps me. "Pull yourself together!"

"Your right." I take  deep breathe. Tony walks in miles room.

"We got a location on your girl." Tony says.



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